What are the four functions of behavior?
1) Sensory 2) Escape 3) Attention 4) Tangible
Acronym: SEAT
This refers to environmental variables that change the value of a reinforcer and influence the likelihood of a behavior occurring.
motivating operations (MO)
Antecedent interventions are interventions we do ________ the behavior occurs.
Consequence interventions are strategies used _______ a behavior occurs.
Which differential reinforcement strategy reduces a behavior to zero occurrences by focusing on increasing the time of non-occurrences?
differential reinforcement of other behaviors
A child is playing at home and is observed rocking back and forth while playing alone. What is the function of the behavior?
This type of motivating operation increases the effectiveness of a reinforcer by making it more valuable.
This antecedent intervention involves teaching an appropriate communicative behavior to replace a problem behavior that is typically triggered by a motivating operation. What is this strategy called?
functional communication training
What is the goal of extinction?
It’s when a once-reinforcing consequence (like attention or a reward) is no longer given after a behavior, causing that behavior to decrease or stop occurring over time.
Which differential reinforcement strategy increases a behavior by reinforcing appropriate behaviors and focuses on developing functional alternative behaviors?
differential reinforcement of alternative behaviors
A student constantly interrupts the teacher during class to get noticed. What is the function(s)?
What is the difference between and SD and MO?
SD: Signals the availability of reinforcer. Triggers a particular behavior to occur.
MO: Determines the value or effectiveness. Affects how likely you are to respond.
This antecedent strategy involves structuring the sequence of activities so that a preferred or enjoyable activity serves as a reward for completing a less preferred or less enjoyable task. What is this strategy called?
premack principle
What is an extinction burst?
An extinction burst is a temporary increase in the frequency, intensity, or duration of an undesirable behavior when the reinforcement for that behavior is removed
Which differential reinforcement strategy reduces a behavior by increasing incompatible behaviors and focusing on reinforcing the opposite of the undesired behavior?
differential reinforcement of incompatible behaviors
Ben is playing video games. His mom tells him that it's time to get off and start his homework. In response, Ben becomes physically aggressive, throwing the controller and hitting the table. What is the function(s)?
This type of motivating operation decreases the effectiveness of a reinforcer by making it less valuable.
abolishing operation
This antecedent strategy used to help teach new skills and for the student to stay motivated. It’s based on the idea that a behavior tends to continue even after environmental changes, especially when it’s consistently performed and reinforced. Following the easy tasks with more difficult tasks. What is this strategy called?
behavior momentum
Pam likes to blurt out in class, which makes her peers laugh. What type of extinction would we use?
Attention Extinction: IGNORE!
Which differential reinforcement strategy reduces a behavior to an acceptable level by focusing on reducing the number of occurrences?
differential reinforcement of low rates
A child is at the grocery store with their parent. As they pass the candy aisle, the child asks for a candy bar. When the parent says no, the child starts crying loudly and throwing a tantrum. What is the functions(s)?
Hunger is an example of this type of motivating operation, which increases the value of food as a reinforcer.
establishing operation
This antecedent strategy provides a tangible reward or attention at scheduled times regardless of a person’s behavior, aiming to reduce the urge for seeking attention or reinforcement through disruptive or unwanted behavior. What strategy is this?
When Perry refuses to do a task, his teacher puts the task near him until he attempts it. This is what kind of extinction?
Escape Extinction
Which differential reinforcement strategy increases a behavior to an acceptable level by focusing on increasing the number of occurrences?
Differential Reinforcement of High Rates