finding key details
finding main idea
topic sentence
context clues


what is the heading of a story?


Ice cream cones melt quickly in the sun. If it's a hot day outside ice cream cones melt. Once an ice cream cone melts, the ice cream drips down. Melting ice cream can be sticky. 

what are the key details; ice cream drips down when melted, ice cream is sticky?

Going to play at the park with friends is fun. I like to take a ball to play with so we won't be bored.  

what is the main idea; going to the park?


Turtles are cute animals. They are usually found on beaches. They are green and have a hard shell. Turtles can swim well too. 

what is the topic sentence; Turtles are cute animals? 


the illustrations found around a text that can be used to find the topic. 

what are pictures?



what is describing a topic?

Sunny days are wonderful. On sunny days you can play outside. When it is sunny, you don't have to worry about it raining. Sunny days make the day pretty to enjoy. 

what are the key details; you can play outside, no worry about rain and pretty to enjoy?


Some people say music helps them study better versus no music. 

what is the main idea; music? 


Racecars go super fast. They can go up to 200+ miles. They are usually racing against other racecars on a racetrack. 

what is the topic sentence; racecars go super fast? 


the first sentence of a story also referred to as this. 

what is a topic sentence?



what is the story about?


Sleeping is very good for your health. Sleeping at least 7 hours helps your brain and body reset. During sleep, the body works to release some hormones essential for us. 

what are key details; helps your brain and body rest and release hormones essential for us? 

taking pictures on a cellphone is easy to do. You just have to open your camera app and click the button to take a picture! It's as simple as that!

what is the main idea; easy to take pictures on a cellphone? 


Trick or Treating on Halloween is an American tradition. In other countries, most kids don't go trick or treating. In America, it is a very popular Halloween activity!

what is the topic sentence; trick or treating is an American tradition? 


there are typically found around the text of a story in relation to the topic. 

what are key details? 



what are the sections in a story?

Taking care of a dog can be hard work. You have to make sure to feed your dog every day. Dogs also require physical activity like humans. Dogs also need to be bathed regularly. 

what are key details; feeding your dog, dogs require physical activity and being bathed regularly. 


I like to shop at the mall. I can go to so many stores to find new clothes to wear. It's so fun to go shopping. 

what is the main idea; I like to shop?


Leaves fall from trees during the fall. In the fall you have to rake up leaves that fall from trees. They are dried up and make for good leaf jumping piles!

what is the topic sentence; leaves fall from trees during the fall? 


you can read the first sentence of these to get an idea of the whole story before reading it all. 

what are paragraphs?


who is the story about?


Planning a trip with friends can be fun and rewarding. You can all go to a new place together and explore. You will all be able to create new memories. Planning a trip with your friends can also make you happy. 

what are the key details; going to a new place together with friends, creating new memories and it can make you happy?


Waking up for school early in the morning can be hard for me. I have to wake up at 8 in the morning and get ready. I am still sleepy when I wake up. 

what is the main idea; getting up for school is hard? 


Swimming is a good sport for exercise. It can help you get stronger. Swimming is also fun to do. Swimming can get your heart pumping. If there is an indoor pool accessible to you, you can do it all year round!

what is the topic sentence; swimming is a good sport for exercise? 


this is the first thing you read that will tell you what a story is about. 

what is the title?
