Members of the Jewish community who believed in the entire Old Testament and the resurrection of the dead
Who are the Pharisees
This is the leader who ruled Judaea as a local Jewish king when Jesus was crucified
Who Is Herod Antipas
This gospel was written to suffering Christians, and it is very direct and urgent.
What is the Gospel of Mark
A Jewish place of worship where the community would gather and hear the word of God
What is the SYNAGOGUE
A symbolic story that contains moral teaching. Often used by Jesus to explain what God and heaven are like
What is a parable
Members of the Jewish community who believed only in the Torah, no belief in resurrection of the dead
Who are the Sadducees
This leader ruled Judaea as a Roman governor
Who Is Pontius Pilate
This gospel is theologically nuanced, written to convey the divinity of Christ and follows the style of a greek “biopic” or epic biography or “great lives” story.
What is the Gospel of John
The suffering of Jesus Christ that he underwent for our sins
What is the PASSION
A day of rest, for the Jewish community of Jesus’ time it was on Saturday
What is the Sabbath
A political faction that supported Herod as the local puppet king of Judaea
Who are the Herodians
This leader ruled Judaea at the time of Jesus’ Birth
Who Is Herod the Great
This gospel was written as an historical account after interviewing folks who knew Jesus. It emphasizes that Christianity is for all people, not just Israel.
What is the Gospel of Luke
The suffering, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus as saving action that wins us for God
A term to describe a community that emphasizes male led leadership and tradition
What is patriarchal
Members of the Jewish community who believed that God wanted them to rise up in military revolt against the Romans
Who are the Zealots
This leader was not a political leader, but had many followers and prepared people for Jesus
Who is John the Baptist
This gospel emphasized the relationship between Jesus and the old testament, and shows that Jesus was a fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy.
What is the Gospel of Matthew
A person who has once been part of the faith and then later rejects it
What is an APOSTATE
Which gospel is NOT synoptic
what is the Gospel of John