Identify the sentence type:
"I enjoyed the concert, but my friend preferred the theater."
Compound sentence
Correct the punctuation and capitalization:
"after school i went to the library read a book and then went home."
After school, I went to the library, read a book, and then went home.
Which word in the sentence "She quickly ran to catch the bus" is an adverb?
Identify the subject-verb agreement error:
"The list of items are on the table."
"list" is singular, so it should be "is on the table."
Is this sentence active or passive?
"The cake was eaten by the children."
What type of sentence is this?
"Although it was raining, we decided to go for a walk."
Complex sentence
Identify and fix the error in this sentence:
"My sister, who is an excellent pianist loves to play the piano."
Add a comma after "pianist" to read, "My sister, who is an excellent pianist, loves to play the piano."
In the sentence "The cat hid underneath the bed," what is the part of speech for "underneath"?
Which sentence is correct?
Answer: B
Rewrite the following sentence in passive voice:
"The teacher graded the papers."
"The papers were graded by the teacher."
Name the sentence type that combines both independent and dependent clauses:
"Because it was late, I went home, and I called my parents."
Compound-complex sentence
Insert the proper punctuation:
She said I cant believe it
She said, 'I can't believe it.'
In the sentence "During the storm, the frightened cat hid under the table," what part of speech is the word "during"?
Correct the subject-verb agreement in the sentence:
"Either the teacher or the students has finished their work."
"Either the teacher or the students have finished their work," since the verb should agree with the subject closer to it.
Which sentence is in active voice?
Answer: B
Identify the sentence structure:
"Before the rain started, the children played outside."
(Answer: Complex sentence – the dependent clause "Before the rain started" is aired with the independent clause "the children played outside.")
Revise the sentence to correct punctuation and capitalization:
"last friday, we visited the louvre museum in paris."
(Answer: "Last Friday, we visited the Louvre Museum in Paris.")
In the sentence "Surprisingly, her explanation was both detailed and clear," what part of speech is "surprisingly"?
Answer: Adverb
Fill in the blank with the correct verb form:
"Either my brother or my friends ___ going to join us for dinner tonight."
(Answer: are)
Rewrite the following sentence in passive voice:
"Scientists discovered a new planet."
(Answer: "A new planet was discovered by scientists.")
Which of the following sentences is a compound sentence?
(Answer: B – It consists of two independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction.)
Correct the punctuation in the following sentence:
"I bought eggs milk and bread at the store."
(Answer: "I bought eggs, milk, and bread at the store.")
In the sentence "She is the most talented student in our class," identify the parts of speech for "most" and *"talented."
(Answer: "Most" is an adverb modifying the adjective "talente," and "talented" is an adjective describing "student.")
Identify and correct the subject-verb agreement error in this sentence:
"Each of the students have completed their assignments on time."
(Answer: Replace "have" with "has" so it reads: "Each of the students has completed their assignments on time.")
Which of the following sentences is written in active voice?
(Answer: B)