How many Gospels are there?
Father Vanderley
How many Sacraments are there?
When are the gifts of the Holy Spirit received?
first received into our soul at Baptism
Who established the Catholic Church?
Who was chosen to lead the Apostles?
-name means rock
Who is our current Pope?
Pope Francis
What is Baptism?
The sacrament that takes away original sin.
Who is the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit is the 3rd person of the holy trinity.
What happened on Easter?
Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to the Apostles
What are two parts of the Bible and what is the difference between the two.
Old and New Testament.
before and after the birth of Jesus
What is the smallest unit of the church?
The Parish
Jesus Instituted this sacrament at the last supper?
The disciples were told by Jesus to wait in what city for their gift from God?
What is Chrism?
Oil used for anointing at confirmation that signifies grace and services to God.
What is another name for the Old Testament
Hebrew Scripture
What are the 4 marks of the Church?
one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic
What is Anointing of the sick?
The priest removes all sin before the person passes away.
What are the 12 fruits of the Holy Spirit?
charity, Joy,Peace,Patience,Kindness, Goodness,Generosity, Gentleness,Faithfulness, Modesty, Self Control, and Chastity
Who saw Jesus rise from the dead first?
Mary Magdalene
What Did Jesus give to Judas as a sign that he was to betray Him?
What is a practicing catholic church?
One who attends Mass and receives the Sacraments.
Name all 7 sacraments
Baptism,Confirmation, Eucharist, confession, Anointing of the sick, Holy orders, Matrimony
What is infused into the soul by the Holy Spirit?
The gifts of the Holy Spirit
When is the Pentecost?
50 days after Easter.