Navigating OverJet
Visualization and Findings
Findings Legend
Symbols and Buttons
Overjet Trivia (PLAY AT OWN RISK)

What is your Login for Overjet?  

Login Information for Overject is the same as your computer login, your email address & your Password.


What are some of the findings that can be displayed in the legend? (List at least 1 finding)

Third Molar Present, Perio Present, Restoration Preview, Caries Present.


What does the color above a radiograph indicate?

The color indicates the presence of specific findings as per the legend.


What happens when you click the blue Images button on the Overjet Daily Patients page?

This opens the most recent series of radiographs (the mount). Additional images, including panoramic X-rays, are displayed at the bottom.


Is this game fun?

There is only one correct answer---YES. 


How can you log in to the Overjet Daily Patients Page?

You can log in via the Overjet taskbar icon located in Open Dental/Charts or by visiting  


What types of areas of concern might the AI detect and highlight on an image? (list at least 2)

Decay (outlined or filled in red or orange), bone level measurements, calculus (depicted in yellow boxes), periapical radiolucency (PARL), impacted third molars.


What does the color RED in the Findings Legend represent? 

Red: AI findings of potential restorative needs.


On the Daily Patients Overview page, what does the percentage by the green Recommendations bar mean?

The percentage reflects the recommended Overjet findings that have been completed.


How OLD does a patient have to be for Overjet to generate a FINDING? 

Over 13 years old. You will be able to view images for patients under 13, but they will not include findings.


What are the different sections available in the left navigation bar?

The sections include Daily Patients, Periodontal, Restorative, Configuration, and Patient Search


What types of potential treatment needs are listed in the Findings column? (list at least 2/3)

The column lists potential treatment needs that have not been diagnosed yet, patients who may be due for periodontal probing, and/or radiographs.


What does the LIGHTNING BOLT in the Findings Legend represent? 

Lightning Bolt: Action identified by Overjet as being able to address at today’s appointment


In Overjet, what does the "GOLD STAR" by a patient's name indicate?  

The GOLD STAR indicates that the patient is a NEW PATIENT. 


How long would it typically take for new radiographs taken TODAY to appear on Overjet after being saved to the Bridge? 

New images taken today will appear within a few minutes after being saved. 


What is the purpose of the Privacy View toggle on the Daily Patients Page?

The Privacy View toggle changes patient names to patient ID numbers to protect Personal Health Information (PHI).


What criteria can you use to filter the list of patients using the search bar?

You can filter by operatory name, provider name, patient name, or patient ID.


What does the color BLUE in the Findings Legend represent? 

Blue: AI findings of potential periodontal needs.


On the Daily Patients Overview page, what does a RED DOT under the Radiograph column indicate?

Red dot indicates that radiographs taken today are ready, but have not been looked at yet from your current computer. 


How can you submit issues and questions to the help desk?

Open the help desk widget to submit issues and questions, along with screenshots if needed.


How can you get in touch with Overjet practice support?

You can reach practice support via Email at


What is the best practice for sharing findings and visualizations with patients?

The best practice is to have all findings and visualizations turned ON so the patient can see them.


What does the "Actionable Today" section show?

It shows a list of potential findings that Overjet has identified as being able to address at today’s appointment.


What does the color PURPLE in the Findings Legend represent?

Purple: Patient may be due for radiographs or periodontal charting.


What practice management system allow access us to images via the Overjet Bridge Extension?

Open Dental
