Traffic Rules

What is the necessary step before making a lane change? 

1. Signaling, checking the rear view mirror and checking blind spots
2. Signaling and decreasing speed
3. Blowing your horn and providing the appropriate hand signal
4. Checking the rear view mirror

1. Signaling, checking the rear view mirror and checking blind spots


During inclement weather conditions, what setting should your headlights be on?

1. On low beam
2. On high beam
3. Leave them off
4. In any of these ways

1. On low beam


What does a solid line to the left of your lane signify?

1. Overtake and pass with caution
2. Pass at your discretion
3. Pass only when no traffic is sight
4. It is unsafe to pass

4. It is unsafe to pass


What steps should you take before vacating a parking space?

1. Sound your horn and pull away from the curb slowly
2. Always signal and check for traffic, pulling out only when it is safe to do so
3. Signal and pull away from the curb
4. Check other traffic, signal and pull away from the curb quickly

2. Always signal and check for traffic, pulling out only when it is safe to do so


What action is necessary before executing a right turn on red at a traffic signal?

1. Slow down, signal and turn
2. Slow down proceed with caution
3. Come to a complete stop and wait until the way is clear
4. Stop, then edge into traffic

3. Come to a complete stop and wait until the way is clear
