Of course you realize, this means war
Over There!
Home Sweet Home
Justice League

Compare the U.S. acquisition of Hawaii and Alaska.

Alaska was purchased and Hawaii was taken by force due to the desire to have access to the sugar market. 


What were the MAIN causes of the war? Explain each.






When did the U.S. join the war and what was the problem?

April 1917.  Our army was poorly equipped compared to Germany (ranked 7th).  We needed more soldiers and money.


Why was Propaganda used during the war and give 3 examples.

To promote unity for the war and against the enemy.  


Where was the WWI peace conference held?

Versailles France (just outside of Paris)


How did the Spanish American war increase the U.S. Imperialism role in the world?

The victory showed that Americans were now a dominate power in the Western Hemisphere.  It also gave us control over former Spanish territories like Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.


What years did the war occur and when did the U.S. join? 

1914-1918; use joined in the spring of 1917


Explain at least 3 difficulties a soldier would face during the war. 

Trench life: lice, rats, trenchfoot, disease, amputation, boredom, shell shock, lack of sleep at night, attacks from the enemy at night, etc  


How was the war funded? 

Liberty Loan Act (2/3rd) and Taxes (1/3)


What countries were included in the Big Four?

U.S., Italy, Great Britain, and France.


Give 3 areas of the world the U.S. was expanding to.

Phillippines, Guam, Panama, China, Hawaii, Cuba, Puerto Rico.


What event ultimately started WWI?  Give details and explain how.

The Black hand was a terrorist group from Serbia that assassinated the Archduke (heir to the throne of Austria Hungary).  Germany then declared war on Serbia due to previous alliances formed, which then caused a ripple affect of a chain of alliances, pulling multiple countries into war.

How did WWI become a War of Attrition? 

It became an industrial war with new technologies and advancements being used with old styles of fights.  Examples: machine guns, tanks, mustard/chlorine gas used with a combination of trench warfare, Calvary fighting, and head to head combat.


How did the War change life at home for Americans? 

Changes to women and African Americans role in the work force, jobs created, immigration came to a halt, 18th and 19th Amendment passed.


Name of Wilson's plan for peace and ultimate goal.

14 Points.  Establish the League of Nations, promote diplomacy between nations, free trade and navigation of seas, freedom of colonies, and creation of new states.


Give 2 arguments (each) for Pro-Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism in the U.S.

Anti: promote freedom to choose (not take over), U.S. would spread ourselves too thin, costly, promote peace/it causes violence, indigenous people should have a choice

Pro: Spread democracy and "save" people from oppressive govt's, expand economic markets, more military bases needed around the world, spread our values and Christianity, Patriotism/Nationalism


Why did the United States decide to join the war?  

We intercepted a telegram from Germany called the Zimmerman Note that prompted Mexico to initiate a war with the U.S. as a distraction.  As a result we declared war on Germany. 


What was the purpose of the Committee of Public Information during the war? 

A propaganda campaign that was created to unite Americas to do anything to ensure an American victory and unite Americans with a hatred towards the enemy.


What was the Sedition and Espionage Act.  How were they controversial?

Sedition Act - prohibited criticism of U.S. (policies, military, flag, etc.)

Espionage Act - prohibited giving aid to enemies

Controversial: claimed it took away personal, 1st amendment freedoms


What happened to the League of Nations and Wilson.

The League of Nations was adopted without the u.S. becoming a member despite Wilson's efforts within the U.S. and campaigning amongst the American people to join.  He had a stroke due to his efforts/travels promoting the League. 


What was the foreign policy of each President: T. Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson (explaining the difference)

Roosevelt: Military Diplomacy: "speak softly and carry and big stick"

Taft: Dollar Diplomacy: use economic clout

Wilson: Moral Diplomacy: only interfere when necessary and promote Democracy/freedom


What 3 major countries made up the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance?

Triple Entente: Great Britain, France, Russia

Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire


What were 3 legislative acts the U.S. government put into place to help prepare the U.S. for war?

Food and Fuel Administration

Liberty Loan Act

War Industry Board

Selective Service Act


How did the war help to pass prohibition and suffrage movement? 

Prohibition: anti-German laws and rationing grain and wheat for the war

Suffrage: hypocritical idea of sending American boys to die for democracy/freedoms while simultaneously denying women the democratic right to vote cause a shift in supporters including Wilson


List 3 terms of the Treaty of Versailles.

Germany must admit defeat, lost colonies, pay $30 billion in reparations, and must disarm.

9 new nation states created.

League of Nations created
