Trauma &Stress
Anxiety & Anxiety Disorders

A client with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) holds strong Christian beliefs. The nurse refers the client to an individual from the clergy as a part of treatment. What would be the most appropriate reason for the nurse to take this action? 

  • It helps the client forget the traumatic incident.
  •  It fosters resilience through allegiance to religious beliefs.
  •  It helps the client sleep in peace.
  •  It helps the client concentrate on the therapy.

It fosters resilience through allegiance to religious beliefs.


A patient with anxiety disorder has excessive anxiety and worries about multiple life circumstances. For how long would this patient experience these feelings before the anxiety disorder would be considered chronic and generalized?

  •  2 months
  •  4 months
  • 6 months
  •  12 months
  • 6 months

A client diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder comes to the clinic with the client's spouse. During the visit, the spouse states, “The client is always checking and rechecking to make sure that all of the appliances are turned off before we go out. It's nerve-wracking. We can never get out of the house on time. Isn't checking once enough?” An understanding of what would the nurse need to incorporate into the response? 

  • The client's behavior reflects a need for safety.
  •  The client is attempting to exert control over the situation.
  •  The client performs the ritual to relieve anxiety temporarily.
  •  The client is attempting to use thought stopping to decrease the behavior.

The client performs the ritual to relieve anxiety temporarily.


This one is a process of maturation through stages and occurs throughout life....

examples: Marriage, The birth of a child, and retirement. 

Developmental crisis


A nurse is counseling a client who was diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). During the session, the client states that the client feels worthless and starts crying. The nurse reassures the client that the client is a survivor rather than a victim. What intervention is the nurse using?

  •  The nurse is using supportive touch.
  •  The nurse is using grounding techniques.
  •  The nurse is distracting the client.
  •  The nurse is promoting the client’s self-esteem.

The nurse is promoting the client’s self-esteem.


Which should be included in a teaching plan for a client prescribed a benzodiazepine? 

  • Maintain a fluid restriction
  •  Consume caffeine in moderation
  •  Stop taking drug if sedation develops
  •  Rise slowly from a lying or sitting position

Rise slowly from a lying or sitting position


What intervention does the nurse perform to assist the client in decreasing the frequency of repetitive behaviors?

  •  Help the client identify supportive resources in the community.
  •  Interrupt repeated behaviors to reduce the time used for activities.
  •  Assist the client to keep a record of when time is used in performing activities.
  •  Teach the client to practice conversation and attentive listening.

Assist the client to keep a record of when time is used in performing activities.


This one arises from and external rather than an internal source and is frequently unanticipated. 

Examples: loss of a job, death of a loved one, unwanted pregnancy, change in financial status and divorce 



A client continues to complain of chest pain and headaches after a disaster, even though all diagnostic tests are negative. In looking at risk factors for these symptoms, what would the nurse assess for?

  •  lack of family support
  •  lack of physical injury from the disaster
  •  post-traumatic stress disorder
  •  amount of involvement in the disaster

post-traumatic stress disorder


A client has been diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after a house fire. Which nursing intervention is most appropriate?

  •  Focus on the client’s hopes and plans for the future during interviews and other interactions
  •  Arrange a consult with an occupational therapist to manage the client’s return to work
  •  Facilitate the client's introduction to a support group of other people recovering from PTSD
  •  Help the client to explore complementary and alternative therapies to prevent dependence on medications

Facilitate the client's introduction to a support group of other people recovering from PTSD


A 30-year-old client who has been unemployed secondary to anxiety disorder states that the client would like to have a job where the client is alone and no one needs to evaluate the client's work. The nurse interprets these comments as an indicator of what?

  •  Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  •  Agoraphobia
  •  Social phobia
  •  Panic disorder

Social phobia


During a follow-up visit, the nurse is assessing for signs of stabilization in a client undergoing behavior therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). What sign not seen previously in therapy does the nurse recognize as an indication of stabilization?

  •  The client verbalizes conflicting thoughts and fears.
  •  The client identifies stresses and anxieties.
  •  The client recognizes and lists strengths and abilities.
  •  The client completes daily routine within a specified time.

The client completes daily routine within a specified time.


This one is not a common part of everyday life and is similar to a situational crisis but is normally on a grander scale and impacts a community not just an individual 

Examples: Fires, hurricanes, flooding, plane crashes. 



Which can correctly be identified as a behavioral response to grief?

  •  Crying uncontrollably
  •  Weight loss
  •  Lack of energy
  •  Palpitations

Crying uncontrollably


An abused child has been placed in a loving foster home. The foster parents express concern when the child has not developed a positive attachment after living in their home for the past 9 months. The case manager concludes that the child has developed what?

  •  Acute stress disorder
  •  Reactive attachment disorder
  •  Adjustment disorder
  •  Disinhibited social engagement disorder

Reactive attachment disorder


Which condition involves a persistent, irrational fear attached to an object or situation that objectively does not pose a significant danger?

  •  Stress disorders
  • Phobic disorders
  •  Posttraumatic stress disorder
  •  Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Phobic disorders

What relaxation technique does the nurse teach the client with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)?

  • Practicing deep breathing
  •  Listening to music
  •  Scheduling a timetable
  •  Writing a diary


  • Practicing deep breathing

This one is one of questioning life purpose or spirituality. 



Which is a term used to describe grief over a loss that is not or cannot be acknowledged openly, mourned publicly, or supported socially?

  •  Mourning
  •  Anticipatory grieving
  •  Bereavement
  •  Disenfranchised grief

Disenfranchised grief


A client with a history of intimate partner violence has been diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder. The client is wholly unwilling to discuss any aspects of personal history or current mental status with the nurse. What is the nurse's best initial action? 

  • Avoid communicating with the client until the client initiates
  •  Arrange for the client to receive cognitive processing therapy
  •  Facilitate cognitive restructuring therapy
  •  Make efforts to demonstrate empathy to the client


  • Make efforts to demonstrate empathy to the client



All of the following pharmacological agents are useful in treating anxiety disorders except which ones?

  •  Benzodiazepines
  •  Tricyclic antidepressants
  •  Calcium channel blockers
  •  Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

Calcium channel blockers


The partner of a client with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) reports that the client regularly exhibits "strange behaviors." What does the nurse tell the partner about these behaviors? Select all that apply.

  •  The client will repeat the act several times during the day.
  •  It is an attempt by the client to overcome anxiety.
  •  It is indicative of a degenerative disorder.
  •  The client is unaware of the act.
  •  It is associated with an irrational persistent thought.

It is an attempt by the client to overcome anxiety.

The client will repeat the act several times during the day.

It is associated with an irrational persistent thought.


Climatic disasters are .....

Geophysical disasters are ...

-Floods, storms, fires

-Earthquakes, volcanoes, avalanches. 


The nurse is interviewing a client who witnessed a fatal accident at the workplace and was unable to save a colleague. What assessment findings would support a diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)? Select all that apply. 

  • Management is blaming the client for the accident
  •  The client says the client's family describes the client now as "edgy" and "irritable"
  •  The client has nightmares about the accident
  •  The client says the client is "unable to face that place again"
  •  The accident took place 2 weeks ago

The client says the client's family describes the client now as "edgy" and "irritable"

The client has nightmares about the accident

The client says the client is "unable to face that place again"
