Who did Jesus see first on the Sea of Galilee
What is a miracle
When God does something & makes something happen that normally wouldn't happen
Who was Nicodemus
A Jewish leader
What is Fasting
When we stop eating/drinking for a little while to only talk to God
What did Jesus ask Simon to do
Put his new down in the water again
Name 1 miracle Jesus did in the Bible
Turned Water into wine
Healed a man born blind
Being born again
Why do we fast
To get closer to God
What did Jesus tell the men at the end of the story
They would be fishers of men
Why was the man born blind
To bring God glory through his healing
What does it mean to be born again
Having a new beginning with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit
How many times did the devil try and temp Jesus
3 times
What happened when Simon obeyed Jesus and put his net in the water
Simon caught more fish then he could carry
What was the problem during the wedding party
The party ran out of wine
How old does someone need to be to become born again
Any age! Big or Small!!
You just need to understand why Jesus cam down to Earth and believe it in your heart that He is our ONLY Savior!
How many days did Jesus fast in the wilderness
40 days
What does it mean to be fishers of men
How did Jesus heal the blind man
He spit on the ground, made mud and placed the mud on the man's eyes
How do we become born again
We accept Jesus into our heart, believe that He is the Son of God, and that He died for our sins
Name 1 of the 3 temptations and the answer from Jesus
1. (temptation) If you are the Son of God, turn these stones into bread (Jesus' answer) People don't live on bread alone, but by every word from God
2. (temptation) Jump down, if you are the Son of God the angels will catch you (Jesus' answer) We should never test God
3. (temptation) Bow down go me, and I'll give you everything (Jesus' answer) Go away, only God is worthy of worship