According to Ephesians 1:22, where did God put all things?
Under His feet
Fill in the blank: We are saved by ___________ through faith?
Grace (Ephesians 2:5, 8)
According to Ephesians, chapter 3, verse 20, where is his power at work?
In us
Who should you not grieve?
The Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:25)
To whom does the church submit?
Christ (Ephesians 5:24)
According to Ephesians 1:16, Paul gave thanks for the Ephesians, making mention of them in his what?
His Prayers
What are we created in Christ Jesus to do?
Good works (Ephesians 2:10)
In what are you rooted and established?
In Love (Ephesians 3:17)
Who should you not give a foothold?
The devil (Ephesians 4:27)
According to Ephesians 5:2, how should you walk?
In the way of love
According to Ephesians 1:17, Paul prayed that God would give the Ephesians the spirit of what?
What type of good news did Jesus preach?
Peace (Ephesians 2:17)
According to Ephesians 3:12, With what may we approach God?
Freedom and confidence
By what will we no longer be tossed back and forth?
The waves (Ephesians 4:15)
In what should the wives submit to their husbands?
Everything (Ephesians 5:24)
According to Ephesians 1:19, Paul prayed for the Ephesians' understanding of the greatness of God's power toward whom?
To us who believe
According to Ephesians 2:11,14, what 2 groups were made one?
Uncircumcised and the Circumcised
According to Ephesians 3:11, In whom did God accomplish his eternal purpose?
Christ Jesus our Lord
In Ephesians, chapter 4, whose hearts have been hardened?
The Gentiles (Ephesians 4:18)
The Husband must love his wife and the wife must _____________ her husband.
Respect (Ephesians 5:33)
According to Ephesians 1:13, when we believe in Christ, we are sealed with what to mark the promise?
The Holy Spirit
On what foundation is God's household built?
(Hint: 2 people groups)
The Apostles and the Prophets (Ephesians 2:20)
In Ephesians, chapter 3, into what does Paul have insight?
The Mystery of Christ
According to Ephesians, chapter 4, verse 4, to what were you called?
One Hope
Husbands should love their wives just as Christ did what for the church? (2 part)
Loved the church and gave himself up (Ephesians 5:24)