Voyajeurs and other
Treaties and the beginning of Canada
loyalists and patriots

Why did Europeans come to Canada to hunt Beavers? Why didn't they hunt Beavers in Europe?

Beavers had almost gone extinct in Europe.


Name at least two aspects unique to Metis culture?

  • Métis Flag, Beadwork and Embroidery, Métis Fiddle,Métis Sash, Red River Cart, Red River Jig, Traditional Cuisine.


How many numbered Treaties are there? Which Treaty Territory do we live on and which other Treaty territories cover what is now Alberta?

11 --> we live on Treaty 6 territory, also in Alberta: Treaty 7 and 8


who were the loyalists?

people loyal to the king of Britain when the first colonies were established in what is now the USA 


Who were the Voyajeurs?

men,mostly french who were hired by companies to transport goods between settlements deep in the country and harbours on the east coast. They used boats to travel on water ways


Who was one of the most important leaders in Metis history?

Louis Riel


What was a challenge when the treaties were created?

Indigenous people believe that land cannot be owned, only shared

language barriers 

Indigenous people were in a desperate situation with little food left and many illnesses


who were the patriots?

people who wanted their own state and did not want to depend on the King of Britain anymore in the colonies of new USA 


What were the boats of the Voyajeours traditionally made of? 

Birch Bark


What is unique about Metis culture? 

It is a blend of Indigenous and Non-indigenous traditions and culture


what does it mean to acknowledge Traditional Meeting grounds, gathering places and traveling routes?

There are many places that are very important to Indigenous people that are on Treaty 6 Territory. It is important to remember and honour them and their history


What are some examples of evidence of British Influence in Canada today?

government structure, street/town names, foods, holidays, language


describe a typical day of a voyajeur

wake up early- before sunrise, eat the gruel that has been boiling over night, paddle for 15hr - 50 min paddle, 10min break- eat, dance/sing/music, sleep


What is the name of the Metis language?  

Michif, it is a blend of French and Indigenous languages


What does "whose footsteps have marked these lands for centuries" mean?

people have had and continue to have an impact on the land


What are some reasons why people immigrated to the Colonies of what is now USA and Canada during the great migration?

jobs, food scarcity/famine in Europe, war, new /cheap land to farm


What are some traditional natural or cultural places of significance in Alberta?

Head-Smashed-in-Buffalo-jump, writing on stone national park, paint pots, majorville medicine wheel, 


What are some of the traditions, customs and beliefs of the Metis people that make up their identity?

living in harmony with nature

family, traditional medicine, beading, embroidery

equal role of men and women


what were some promises of government and indigenous peoples when the treaties were created?

government:  reserve land, hunting/fishing, money, education, medical care, food

Indigenous people - land (to SHARE)


why did the loyalists leave the United States after the end of the war of independence?

fear of prosecution by the patriots, no more jobs
