In the story Allergic, how old was the main character?
In the story Allergic, what is the main character allergic to?
In the story Allergic, what does Pip Squeak eat?
In the story Allergic, where did go to find out she was allergic to animals (dogs and hamsters)?
The vet
In the story Allergic, what is the last line?
In the story Allergic, what grade is Claire in?
Sixth Grade
In the story Allergic, what animal was removed from the classroom?
In the story Allergic, what food did Maggie's dad make for her birthday?
In the story Allergic, where did Claire promise to keep Lucky out of so Maggie and she could hangout?
The clubhouse
In the story Allergic, what was the first line?
It was my tenth birthday. And it was going to be the best birthday of my whole life.
In the story Allergic, what grade was Maggie in?
5th grade
In the story Allergic, what kind of animal did the main character's friend get?
In the story Allergic, what did the main character and her friend make during their playdate and how many kinds?
Cupcakes & six kinds
In the story Allergic, where did Claire move from?
San Francisco
In the story Allergic, what does Maggie decide to become when she gets older?
A marine biologist
In the story Allergic, how many brothers does Maggie have?
In the story Allergic, what kind of animal did Maggie get without permission?
In the story Allergic, what foods is Sebastian allergic to?
Eggs & cookies
In the story Allergic, what two places did Maggie and her family go during the summer?
The beach and the aquarium
In the story Allergic, what is Maggie's litter sister's name?
In the story Allergic, in chapter 3, how many more months until Maggie's sibling is born?
Two and a half months
In the story Allergic, what was the name of the animal removed from the classroom?
In the story Allergic, what is Claire's suggestion for the baby name?
Whip Cream
In the story Allergic, what is the name of the school Maggie attends?
Golden River Elementary
In the story Allergic, what was Maggie not allergic to?
Ocean animals: sting rays