Why do we study human developmental theories?
To gain understanding of life experiences
To study how humans develop throughout lifespan.
Shows the average height and weight of girls and boys of similar age
growth chart
Changes in human interactions and relationships
social changes
Children should be given _______ food and encouraged to feed themselves.
A disease carrying germ usually given in an injection to the body
What kinds of things do researchers study to track human development
Motor skills
Social change
Emotional Development
moral understanding
An environment in which a baby has a wide variety of things to see, hear smell touch. Plenty of ways to use all the senses
stimulating environment
_________and ________ play key roles in child development, affecting body size, eye color and disease risk.
Heredity and environment
Homes should be __________ to help keep children safe.
child proof
Is the process of teeth pushing its way out of the gums
What are some environmental factors affecting pregnant women?
Environmental factors such as:
Complex processing that a person develops a clear view of self
identity formation
As children grow, their ________ develop, giving them greater awareness of their environment
__________ should not be attempted before a child is ready.
toilet training
Is inadequate nutrition. Poor nutrition is also linked to poor brain development
What are ways pregnant women can stay healthy and safe?
Healthy Eating
Staying away from recreational drugs, harmful medications and smoking.
Knowing right from wrong
moral reasoning
______ and ______skills improve as children get older.
gross and fine
Parents should provide comfortable clothes and teach _________.
good hygene
Is inadequate nutrition. Poor nutrition is also linked to poor brain development
What is a baby’s first measure of independence?
Baby’s first measure of independence is to breathe
Individual characteristics and qualities
Some toddlers experience sleep disturbances such as _________ and ___________
nightmares and night terrors
What is the main idea of Maslow’s Theory?
If you don't get our basic needs met then you can't reach self actualization. Basic needs are essential for the survival and success of students in school.
An instinctive automatic response. A baby begins life with many to help them survive in the first few weeks of life