What is 189.246 + 70.22
The answer is: 259.466
What is 93.97 - 51.82?
The correct answer is 42.15!
Round to the nearest whole:
The answer is 89.
Order these decimals from greatest to least:
98.6, 98.2, 98.8, 98.4, and 98.0
If you ordered them like this you are correct!
98.8, 98.6, 98.4, 98.2, and 98.0
Order these decimals from least to greatest:
12.9, 12.4, 12.7, 12.3, 12.5
12.3, 12.4, 12.5, 12.7, 12.9
What is 62.34 + 22.22?
The answer is 84.56
What is 286.359 - 213.345?
The answer is 73.014
Round to the nearest tenth:
The answer is 43.2
Order these decimals from greatest to least:
9.34, 9.56, 9.23, 9.62, and 9.19
The answer is:
9.62, 9.56, 9.34, 9.23, and 9.19
Order these decimals from L-G:
1.23, 1.45, 1.12, 1.89, and 1.76
Correct Order:
1.12, 1.23, 1.45, 1.76, and 1.89
What is 29.9 + 32.1?
The answer is 62.
What is 9.322 - 2.452?
The answer is 6.87.
Round to the nearest hundredth:
The answer is 23.44.
Order these decimals from greatest to least:
83.34, 84.30, 76.23, 74.9, and 85.9.
The correct order is:
85.9, 84.30, 83.34, 76.23, and 74.9
Order these decimals from least to greatest:
65.93, 67.09, 64.37, 65.43, and 65.94.
The correct order is:
64.37, 65.43, 65.93, 65.94, 67.09
What is 923.245 + 923.245?
The answer is 1,846.49
What is 780.912 - 433.72?
The answer is 347.192.
Round to the nearest thousandth:
The answer is 96.321
Order these decimals from greatest to least:
8.9345, 8.2284, 8.2133, and 8.2283
The correct order is:
8.9345, 8.2284, 8.2283, and 8.2133.
Order these decimals from least to greatest:
9.343, 9.246, 9.874, and 9.043
The correct order is:
9.043, 9.246, 9.343, and 9.874
What is 1234.5678 + 8765.4321?
The answer is 9999.9999!
What is 3 - 2.9302?
The answer is 0.098.
Round to the nearest ten-thousandth:
The answer is 56.474
Order these decimals from greatest to least:
3.6527, 3.9280, 3.6538, and 3.9276
The correct order is:
3.9280, 3.9276, 3.6538, and 3.6527.
Order these decimals from least to greatest:
0.002, 0.8397, 0.4563, and 0.0275
The correct order is:
0.002, 0.0275, 0.4563, and 0.8397.