What was the time period for the segregation era before apartheid?
Which party won the 1948 election in South Africa?
The National Party.
What was the Defiance Campaign of 1952?
A non-violent protest against apartheid laws, led by the ANC.
Who was Nelson Mandela?
A key ANC leader and anti-apartheid activist imprisoned during the Rivonia Trial.
What does the term "apartheid" mean?
A policy or system of segregation or discrimination based on race.
Which 1913 law restricted black South Africans' land ownership?
The 1913 Natives Land Act.
What ideology did the National Party promote?
Afrikaner nationalism and racial segregation.
What was the Freedom Charter?
A document calling for a democratic, non-racial South Africa, adopted in 1955.
Who was Albert Luthuli?
ANC leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner for his non-violent resistance.
What were "petty apartheid" laws?
Laws that segregated daily life, like separate public amenities for whites and non-whites.
What was the purpose of pass laws?
To control the movement of black South Africans in white areas.
Who was the prime minister of South Africa after the 1948 election?
D.F. Malan.
What was the significance of the 1960 Sharpeville Massacre?
It marked a turning point where the ANC adopted armed resistance.
What was the role of the ANC during apartheid?
Leading resistance against apartheid policies.
What were "grand apartheid" policies?
Policies that segregated where people lived and created Bantustans.
What kind of education was provided to black South Africans under the Bantu Education Act?
An inferior education designed to prepare them for manual labor.
What was the main campaign promise of the National Party in 1948?
To formalize and expand racial segregation into apartheid laws.
What organization was founded in response to apartheid's pass laws?
The Pan Africanist Congress (PAC).
What was Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK)?
The armed wing of the ANC, formed to resist apartheid through sabotage.
What system classified South Africans into racial groups?
The Population Registration Act.
What were townships, and why were they created?
Urban areas where black South Africans were forced to live, segregated from white neighborhoods.
Which act in 1950 established racial classification?
The Population Registration Act.
What was the Rivonia Trial, and why was it significant?
A trial where ANC leaders, including Nelson Mandela, were sentenced to life imprisonment, weakening resistance movements.
What was the South African Communist Party's role in resistance?
It allied with the ANC to fight apartheid, focusing on class and racial struggles.
How were Bantustans supposed to function under apartheid?
As independent homelands for black South Africans, removing them from citizenship in South Africa.