A process to determine level of compliance
Fall Risk
Weapons, alcohol, cannabis, knives, tobacco, matches, laser pointers, hand sanitizer are on this list
What did Chris say?
...afterward took his sister's hand and brought her to safety and I just want to say mate, you're an absolute inspiration, your courage is beyond belief..."
The 6 rights of med administration help protect patients
The rights:
Person, medication, reason, dose, time, route
The accreditation body for hospitals that provides standards for care, treatment and services
The Joint Commission
Minnesota Adult Abuse Reporting Center
The internal review that occurs after an incident that evaluates compliance with policies, staff training
CER-Critical Event Review
CIR-Critical Incident Review
What did Leanne say?
"I thought Lord what am I going to do with all this time on my hands?"
Ceremonial medicine burning is also known as this
A team review of documents and processes for the purpose of survey readiness
Mock Survey
In this program, monitoring of urinary tract infections, tissue infections, c-diff, or pneumonia would be examples of indicators.
Antibiotic Stewardship Program
Vulnerable Adult Report
What did Nick say?
"The first idea I want you to erase from your mind is the idea that salt and pepper can fix anything"
This screening evaluates alcohol and drug use
Written document that describes how the site will address survey citation
Plan of Correction
What does CLIA stand for?
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment
This independent state agency promotes the highest attainable standards of treatment, competence, efficiency and justice for people with mental illness.
Office of Ombudsman
What did Ali say?
"A lot of people ask me, Ali, how on earth do you balance family and career?"
This service provides interpreters, transcription, phone video, captioning, translators
Language Line
Non-compliance with standards that has caused or may cause serious harm or death may result with this
Immediate Jeopardy
This assessment becomes active when there is construction, water damage, code deficiency or fire system disruption or failure
Interim Life Safety Measures
The form to complete after an incident related to an accidental needle stick, splashes of debris to the nose/mouth area, blood or infectious material on clothing
Post Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Info Form
Employee Injury/Illness Notification Form
What did Fluffy say?
"You guys, let me tell you something. We get to the neighborhood, and we're lost"
The letter that indicates the patient no longer requires hospital level of care as approved by the practitioner
Does Not Meet Criteria