Do You Know D65 SACC?
General Child Care Facts
Some Child Care Basics
Licensing Standards
Random Facts

What is the age range that the SACC program supervises? 

What are ages 5-12 (Grades K-5)


How often should a fire drill or tornado drill be done (per month/school year)?

What is 1x per moth for a fire drill and at least 2xs each school year? 


What is development and how does gross motor skills help with development? 

What are the stages of growth (physical, cognitive and emotional) that a child goes through in their lives?

Gross motor skill development is primarily focused on a child's physical and cognitive growth but emotional development can also come into play. 


An outdoor play area must have _______, ________ and a drinking fountain.

What is shade and grass.


In order to work in a licensed childcare facility one must be ____ years old

What is 18 years old.


How many years has SACC been in existence? 

What is 40 years!.


What is our SACC program's proper call/text in procedure for the AM and PM?

What is (AM) call/text direct site supervisor and assigned Program Coordinator the night before or by 10pm or in an emergency by 6am (and receive a confirmation of receipt). 

What is (PM) call/text direct site supervisor and assigned Program Coordinator the night before or by 10am (and receive a confirmation of receipt). Calls/texts after designated times may be considered AWOL. 


Give 3 examples of songs to sing with or play for SACC children? 

What are :

heads, shoulders, knees and toes

the wheels on the bus

old macdonald had a farm



What is the annual DCFS requirement for all SACC staff members related to training clock hours and name 1 specific training that is normally required?

What is 15 clock hours and blood borne pathogens/ mandated reporter/food handler etc


Any employee that handles food must have a ________ __________'s ____________.

What is a Food Handlers Permit/Card/Certification.


What are the D65 SACC program goals?

What are:

1. A safe and secure environment for children before and after school

2. A nurturing and stimulating environment which promotes physical, social/emotional and cognitive development of children that reflects the school improvement plan for the district

3. Activities that promote life long skills

(Bonus) where can these program goals be found?  


What process is required for all SACC staff members to ensure there is no history of child abuse? 

What is a DCFS background check?


The responsibility and liability, of a person because of their job, to call in suspected abuse or neglect is called?  

What is Mandated Reporter or reporting!


What are some basic guidelines for responsible supervision of school age children (goal is to correctly identify at least 3)?

What are: 

be consistent

be gentle, patient, friendly but firm

take responsibility for seeing the children follow through on tasks and directions

praise the child often for appropriate behavior

be a good example by using kind words and being a good listener


Describe our D65 SACC curriculum and your role in this process?

What is monthly planning to include: 

Arts/Crafts (2x weekly), 

Music/Drama (2x weekly), 

Cooking/Nutrition (1x weekly),

Group Discussion (daily),

Health & Safety (2x weekly),

Physical Activities (daily outdoor or indoor determined by weather),

Story Time (daily and either staff led or peer led with supervision),

Science (weekly), 

Home living skills (daily).

It is highly encouraged to incorporate STEAM inspiried and combined activities in the daily actiivites offerd to students. Every staff member is expected to participate in this process working as a team.  


What is the DCFS staff to children ratio for School Age Child Care programs like ours onsite and on field trips?

What is 1 staff to 20 children onsite and 1 to 10 (or less) on field trips?

(Extremely important that children be in line of sight of staff and close proximity at all times. Be as vigilant and interactive while supervising the children in our care for added safety and to help prevent avoidable injuries and/or behaviour continuum situations).


What are at least 3 of the items that must be in a site's first aid kit?

What are: disposable gloves, bandaids, first aid tape, ice pack, scissors, eye dressing, thermometer, water, soap, sterile gauze pads, triangular bandage, pencil/pen, notepad, tweezers, etc?


When can a child be released to someone other than a parent or person with legal custody, without written permission and what is required from a newly authorized (with written parent authorization) but unknown pick-up person picking up a child for the first time?

What is never and a US government issued picture ID!


Each site must license for childcare each _____.

What is every 3 years?


If one is supervised by a competent caregiver you may be ________ years old and work in a childcare facility.

What is 16 years old.


What is the Behaviour Continuum and explain how it may apply within the our SACC program? 

What is a guide to assist district staff with determining the level of severity of a student(s)’ behavior and the most effective form of support or intervention in response to this behavior. 

Discipline shall be developmentally appropriate related to each child's age/development level and or challenges (physical/cognitive/emotional) with the child being made aware of the relationship of the act and related consequences. 


Staff must be aware of and follow this to be sure children's medical needs are met?

What is a child's individual health care action plan?


What are the CPR steps to follow when in a situation where a person needs CPR assistance and you are CPR trained?

What is :

Check the scene for any danger and/or additional person who could help

Direct someone to call 911/get the nearby AED

Administer 30 chest compressions followed by 2 rescue breaths until paramedics arrive and take over


What are 3 key requirements (can include reports and/or clearances) that must be current for a site to be relicensed to operate?

What are: fire clearance, health clearance, radon tests, lead tests, student and staff files (including physical exams for assigned staff and enrolled students),  


What are the 2 types of accident reports and what's the process to complete them?

What are student and employee accident reports. 

The staff member observing/supervising a student accident is normally the person who completes the student accident report. This is also usually the person who updates the parent and provides them with a copy of the report with the support of the Site Coordinator. And the employee who was injuried is normally the person completing and submitting within 48 hours (timing is important to get back to HR for claims) an employee accident report and sending a copy to us in the SACC admin office.
