Pre World War Japan
Questions Daylin was too dumb to answer correctly

What year did Cortez conquer the Aztec Empire AND what year did Pizarro conquer the Incan Empire

Aztec- 1521

Inca- 1532 or 1533


In what ways were the feudal systems of Japan and Europe different?

In Europe, the feudal contract was just a contract; an arrangement of obligations enforced in law. In Japan, the feudal arrangement was based solely on group identity and loyalty. 


Who was Joan of Arc and what was her significance in French history?

Joan of Arc was a teenage fam girl who claimed to have heard voices that told her to liberate France from the hands of the English that had claimed the entire French territory by the early 15th century during the Hundred Years' War. She was given a military to lead due to her divinity and forced the British to retreat from Orleans. Later she was captured by the French, tried by the English, and burned at the stake by the French.


Where and how did each of the major universalizing religions spread prior to 1450.

[Insert stuff]


What year was the Communist Manifesto written



The study of literature and the practice of the military arts, including archery and horsemanship, must be cultivated diligently. "On the left hand literature, on the right hand use of arms," was the rule of the ancients. Both must be pursued concurrently. Archery and horsemanship are essential skills for military men. It is said that war is a curse. However, it is restored to only when it is inevitable. In time of peace, do not forget the possibility of disturbances.

~The Edicts of Tokugawa Shogunate: Excerpts from Laws of military Households, 1615

(From a practice MCQ) The Tokugawa Shogunate focused primarily on which of the following?

A.) Rapid industrialization

B.) Eliminating foreign influence on Japan

C.) Military conquest and expansion

D.) Erasing the legacy of the shogun from Japanese culture

B.) The Tokugawa Shogunate became increasingly secluded. Choice B correctly points to this priority of Edo-period Japan. The rejection of western influence also kept industrialization from reaching Japan until the end of the shogunate.


What is the main reason that there were no significant trade routes in the central portion of Africa around the 15th century?

A.) The hostility of local tribes discouraged outsiders from entering.

B.) The central part of Africa has no significant resources.
C.) Linguistic barriers made trade difficult.

D.) The harshness of the terrain made travel practically impossible.

D.) Most of central Africa consists of jungle and mountains, thus making it difficult to travel through till modern era outsiders explored central Africa using the great river systems as a means of transportation.


Compared to most Eurasian civilizations, what was the status of women in sub-Saharan Africa like?

Trade and teh arrival of new religions did not significantly change the role of women in African societies. Even when sedentary lifestyles developed, women had a great deal of freedom and societies were sometimes matrilineral and matricarchal. Woen commanded a bride price rather than having to give a dowry, and were considered a valuable source of wealth. Women held a limited number of political offices and participated in specific religious rituals.


Where did the first joint-stock companies emerge?

"The earliest joint-stock companies developed in Song China, as investors sought fortunes in domestic and international shipping."


Who was Ho Chi Minh

The leader of the Communist Party in Indochina after WWII; led the Vietnamese against the French, and later against the US in the Vietnam war. Served as Prime Minster of North Vietnam from 1945 to 1955 and President from 1945 to 1969.


The study of literature and the practice of the military arts, including archery and horsemanship, must be cultivated diligently. "On the left hand literature, on the right hand use of arms," was the rule of the ancients. Both must be pursued concurrently. Archery and horsemanship are essential skills for military men. It is said that war is a curse. However, it is restored to only when it is inevitable. In time of peace, do not forget the possibility of disturbances.

~The Edicts of Tokugawa Shogunate: Excerpts from Laws of military Households, 1615

(From a practice MCQ) Instructions for military households can best be seen as evidence of which of the following characteristics of the Tokugawa period?

A.) Strict Social classes

B.)  Increased power to feudal lords

C.) An openness to Western influence

D.) Widespread allegiance to an emperor

Answer: A

Tokugawa Ieyasu instituted a rigid social class model which included four classes (warrior, farmer, artisan, merchant). This text is a testament to the rigidity of the social classes, as strict behavioral rulers were offered to households within the warrior class, along with the other classes.


"The Romanists have, with great adroitness, drawn three walls round themselves, with which they have hitherto protected themselves, so that no one could reform them, whereby all Christendom has fallen terribly. 

Firstly, if pressed by temporal power, they have affirmed and maintained that temporal power has no jurisdiction over them, but, on the contrary the spiritual power is above the temporal.

Secondly, if it were proposed to admonish them with the Scriptures, they objected that no one may interpret the scriptures but the Pope.

Thirdly, [redacted, talks about the Holy Ghost and dumb dumb Pope /  irrelevant to question below]

~Martin Luther, Address to the Nobility of the German Nation, 1520

How is the "temporal power" mentioned in the passage best understood contextually?

A.) A clerical or ecclesiastical authority

B.) A legal or scholarly authority

C.) A state or secular authority 

D.) A business or economic authority

C.) When speaking of a "temporal power," Luther means a secular or state authority rather than a religious or spiritual one, One of the compliments of Luther and other Reformers was that the Catholic Church was no subject to any authority beyond the Pope.


Who was Timur Lang (Tamerlane/Timur-i-lang)

Leader of Turkic nomads; beginning in 1360s from base at Samarkand, launched series of attacks in Persia, the Fertile Crescent, India, and southern Russia; empire disintegrated after his death in 1405.

(BTW:  During the rule of Timur Lane was the most influential captial city, a wealthy trading center known for decorated mosques and tombs; major silk road trade city)


Who were the Jesuits, what religion did they follow, and name the important/notable priest that did stuff in China.

The Jesuits, or Society of Jesus, was founded as a teaching and missionary order to resist the spread of Protestantism and to spread Catholicism throughout the world. Ricci was a Jesuit priest who sought to convert the Chinese to Christianity. To gain the trust and respect of the Chinese, Ricci and his fellow Jesuits learned the Chinese culture, language and Confucianism. They sought to engage the political elite in an exchange of scientific ideas and to find parallels between Confucianism and Christianity.


What made Ivan the Terrible so "terrible"?

If you can't explain "what" made him so terrible, explain "why" he was so terrible.

Upon the death of his first wife in 1560, Ivan IV went into a deep depression and grew more erratic. He left Moscow and threatened to abdicate the throne, returning only if granted absolute power of the region surrounding Moscow. He initiated the reign of terror, eradicating major families, beating his pregnant daughter to the point she had a miscarriage, killed his son, blinded a church architect, ect.


What was the Red Turbon rebellion? What century did it happen? Where did it happen? What was its significance?

It was an uprising influenced by the White Lotus Society members that, between 1351 and 1368, targeted the ruling Yuan Dynasty of China.
State-Building, Expansion, and Conflict: The rebellions were 1 of the reasons the Yuan Dynasty fell and was overthrown.


Who was Rabban Sauma? Where did he travel? What was his significance? 

Rabban Sauma was a Nestorian Christian priest from Mongol Empire in China. He began pilgrimage to Jerusalem in Beijing, but diverted when sent by Mongol Ilkhan of Persia to meet with kings of France and England and the pope to negotiate alliances against Muslims. 

Significance: He did not succeed in attracting the support of Christian Europe to the Mongol cause. Europeans never conquered the Middle East, but instead went around it to reach the Indian Ocean. One could call Rabban Bar Sauma a "reverse Marco Polo": whereas Polo traveled from West to East, Bar Sauma's trek took him from what is now Beijing to the Bourdeaux region in France; and whereas Polo went on business, the priest Bar Sauma was on a religious mission.


When did the Glorious Revolution take place?



[insert picture]

(FRQ altered into Jeapody format)

Identify a specific technological advancement that benefited from the Watt engine and a long-term effect of this advancement you identified.

According to the prep book "two obvious and direct technological advances are":

1.) Rober Fulton's steamship

2.) George Stephens's locomotive

- Bolstered by steamships and locomotives, global trade accelerated dramatically.

-Employment spiked due to the creation of steam-power factories and mills.

-The rise of factories and mills, as well as the efficiency of travel, transformed Europe's population from rural to urban.

-Compounded with coal in Great Britain, the empire industrialized quickly.

-Asian and middle eastern nations' share of global manufacturing declined (ex. Indian and Egyptian textiles.)


What treaty ended the 30-year war and what were some the significant effects that followed?

The Peace of Westphalia in 1648, which ended the war, is notable for establishing the foundation of the modern nation-state. The ruler of a given state was now paramount, with any other religious or secular authority not able to claim control over the people of that state. The widespread, horrific actions taken by mercenary armies during the war, as well as the strengthening of central state authority during and after the war, led to European states favoring professional national armies over mercenaries. The Thirty Years’ War was also the last major religious war in continental Europe.
