What is the maximum number of cards a player can hold in their hand in a standard Uno game?
What happens if a player knocks over the Jenga tower while taking their turn?
That player loses the game
How many players can play Connect Four
What is the sum of 20 and 15?
What animal is known as the king of the jungle
Which special card allows you to skip the next player’s turn?
Skip card
What shape are the blocks in a standard Jenga set?
What color are the discs?
Red or Yellow
What is the largest land animal on Earth?
What vegetable is typically orange and is known for being good for your eyes?
What happens when a player has only one card left in their hand
They must say “Uno”
If a player removes a block and it’s not fully moved from the tower, can they put it back?
Which ways should do you have to connect four in order to win
horizontally, vertically, or diagonally
What is the largest continent on Earth?
What is the name of the largest planet in our solar system?
What is the name of the card that forces players to draw two cards?
+2 card
How is the Jenga tower built before the game begins?
three blocks each, with each layer’s blocks placed perpendicular to the one beneath it
If your opponent is about to connect four discs vertically, what should you do in Connect Four?
block their move
In the Frozen movies, what is the name of Elsa's sister?
What popular video-sharing website allows users to upload and watch videos?
What is YouTube?
What happens if someone forgets to say “Uno” and another player catches it?
they must draw two cards
How many different colors of Jenga blocks are there in the classic Jenga set?
1 color - light wood
What is the maximum number of discs that can be placed in one column of the Connect Four board?
6 discs (since the board has 6 rows)
What was the name of the first man to walk on the Moon?
Who is Neil Armstrong?
Who was the famous civil rights leader who gave the “I Have a Dream” speech?
Martin Luther King Jr.