People who are creative about parenting/caregiving.
What is Adaptive/Assertive as a Caregiver?
People who are realistic in their ideas and arrangements about what is needed to protect a child.
What is Plans and is able to Articulate a Plan to Protect the Child?
People who are mentally alert and in touch with reality.
What is Stable (emotionally)?
Description of emotional and physical symptoms.
What is Extent of Maltreatment?
Who is Chelsea Johnson?
People who do not overreact as a result of outside stimulation.
What is Controls Impulses?
People who recognize threatening situations and/or people.
What is Recognizes Threats?
People who use personal and social means for feeling well and happy that are acceptable, sensible, and practical.
What is Meets Own Emotional Needs (in appropriate ways w/out the use of substances)?
A child's capacity for attachment, behavior, peer relations.
What is Child Functioning?
Loves watching Real Housewives - fave is Beverly Hills.
Who is Erika Delgadillo-Caldera?
What is a History of Protecting?
People who value and believe it is his/her primary responsibility to protect the child.
What is Understands Own Protective Role?
What is Resilient as a Parent/Caregiver?
Concerned with whether role performance is influenced by mental health or substance abuse.
What is Adult Functioning?
Was spanked by a principal or teacher on two occasions while in elementary shcool.
Who is Jeff Slover?
People who are rested or able to overcome being tired.
What is Takes Action?
People who understand the cause-effect relationship between their own actions and results for their children.
What is Self-Aware as a Parent/Caregiver?
People who fully relate to, can explain and feel what a child feels, thinks, and goes through.
What is Expresses Love, Empathy, and Sensitivity for Child?
Placing maltreatment in a context or situation that 1) Precedes or leads up to the maltreatment.
Was once a competitive powerlifter.
Who is Nicole Gauthier?
People who can handle, manage, oversee as related to protectiveness.
What is Demonstrates Adequate Skill to Fulfill Caregiving Responsibilties?
People who see a child essentially as the child is and as others see the child.
What is Recognizes the Needs/Accurate Perceptions of the Child?
People who have a big picture attitude, who don't overreact to mistakes and accidents.
What is Tolerant as a Parent/Caregiver?
Caregiver assures appropriate supervision in his/her absence.
What is General Parenting?
Played the violin for 5 years.
Who is Melissa Pignata?