Speakers and Display
Speakers and display
speakers and display

What is the privacy setting in the customer mobile device that needs to be disable when using Techsee? 



This tile in the Google home app allows the customer to check and and control their devices.



How to factory reset the Nest hub and Nest hub max

Plug the device, press and hold both volume buttons together for about 10 seconds. Your Nest Hub will let you know that it's resetting.


Has a sleep sensing feature.

Nest hub 2nd gen


Before initiating the Techsee tool or Gnest Admin what are the very important things you need to do as an agent? 

Check account authentication

ask approval to the customer and deliver the disclaimer. 


a third-party tool that helps you virtually interact with customers through their mobile device.

Techsee visual Tool


The customers can check the chronological history of what happened in and around their home and which includes camera events, alerts, and automatons.



How to factory reset the Nest mini 2nd gen?

1. plug the device, switch the mic off

2. Press and hold the center of the Nest Mini, where the lights are on top. After 5 seconds, your device will begin the factory reset process.

3. Continue to hold for about 10 seconds more, until a sound confirms that the device is resetting.


How to factory reset nest hub max?

  1. On the back of Home Max, press and hold the factory reset button near the power cable, for about 12 seconds.
  2. Your Home Max will let you know that it's resetting.

Before performing the factory reset with the customer what is the important information or reminder you need to disclose to the customer?

A factory reset will reset your Google Nest or Home speaker or display to its default factory settings. This action will clear your data from the device and can't be undone.


The customer can create and manage routines in what tile in the Google home app? 



The new universal standard for smart home devices. This is designed  to ensure that devices from different manufacturers can talk to each other.



Released in September of 2019, has a built-in camera, allowing users to see real-time video feeds or make video calls while ensuring they have full control over their home appliances and devices.

Nest Hub Max


What are the setup requirements in adding the speakers or display in the Google Home app?

  • Latest Google Home App version
  • A internet and secure wireless network
  • A smartphone or tablet

What are the key difference between the nest mini 2nd gen and Google mini 1st gen?

1. nest mini 2nd gen has sound is 2x stronger.

2. nest mini can mount into the wall. 


This is a tile in the Google Home app which provides customers with efficient access to the devices, actions, and automations they care about most.



Give at-least 4 Google Home devices that acts as a Matter controllers or hub?

Nest Mini

Nest hub and nest hub max

nest audio

wifi routers

Google Home


How to set up Speakers and display in the Google home app?

1. Plug in your Nest speaker or display.

2. open the Google Home app

3. Tap Devices   Add   Google Nest or partner device

4. chose a home then follow the prompt.


How to factory reset Google mini 1st gen?

  1. On the bottom of Home Mini, press and hold the factory reset button below the power cable. Locate the circle etched into the base.
  2. After 5 seconds, your device will begin the factory reset process. Continue to hold for about 10 seconds more, until a sound confirms that the device is resetting.

What is the warranty period of the speakers and displays in the United States?

1 year


A portal that you can use to gather information about a customer’s home structure

Gnest admin


How to invite a home member in the Google home app?

  1. Tap Settings tab.
  2. Tap + Add  Home member.
  3. Enter the name or email of the person to invite, then follow the onscreen steps.

Customers can hang Nest Audio on the wall.



This device is available in three colors chalk, charcoa, coral?

Nest mini


What are the different devices in Google Home speakers and Display? 

Google Home

Google mini 1st gen

nest mini 2nd gen

Google Home max

nest audio

nest hub 1st gen

nest hub 2nd gen

nest hub max
