What is the past simple tense used for?
To denote actions that happened in the past and have no connection with the present.
What is the future simple tense used for?
To describe actions that will happen in the future.
Come up with 10 sentences with the negative future simple tense
For example: she won't swim the next day...
The capital of Italy?
How do you say "Слива" in English?
What actions can it mean?
Actions that happened one after another, to describe habits or actions, to describe a situation
Used for what expressions?
For decisions made on the spot, predictions, promises, proposals or plans
Think of 10 negative simple past tense sentences
For example, I didn't play
The capital of France
How will it be in English "Малина"?
How to construct a negative sentence?
Did + I,you,he...+Verd (+ed)
How is an interrogative sentence constructed?
Make up sentences with the phrase "Never". 10 sentences in the simple future tense
For example: Will she swim never?
Capital of Australia
How to translate the words: Горох, кукуруза, батат, фасоль
Peas, corn, sweet potato, beans
How is a negative sentence constructed?
What words can be used as threats?
For example: I won’t do it, I won’t, I’ll complain, I’ll leave, etc.
Explain and prove which tense is easier? Simple future or simple past tense.
The simple future tense is easier in grammar because the verbs do not change.
The capital of Austria
How to translate the words: запекать, мешать, добавлять и пробовать
Roast, ster, add, taste
What marker words are there?
Yesterday, week, every day, month, year, one day, never, etc.
How can you replace the phrase ( will not) ?
Make 10 sentences with the word "year" in the past simple tense.
I played a whole year in one game
Capital of Hungary
Translate:Пищевая ценность, качество продуктов питания, ферментация, кухонное оборудование, пищевая непереносимость
Nutritional value, food quality, fermentation, kitchen equipment, food intolerance