The Allied Health Professions Fall Into Two Broad Categories:
Largest organ in the body
Year of high school that you will begin your research course for DA
# of UCs and # of CSUs
10 and 23
Sauce used for medical purposes in 1800s
Kind of Training Do Allied Health Professionals Have?
Associates to PhD
who is the main character in snow white...
snow white lol
Name of Dr. that started doctors academy
Dr. Katherine Flores
Peso Plumas real name...
Hassan Emilio Kabande Laija
most stolen grocery item
Average pay of pharmacy assistant
What are the three subatomic particles that make up an atom?
Protons, neutrons, and electrons
DA/JDA Classes with best attendance and worst attendance at HEal Conference
Best 8th grade. Worst 10th grade. yikes
Most streamed song on spotify
blinding lights
In mathematics, term used to "get a fraction and flip it upside down"...
Define an Allied Professional:
"Allied health may be defined as those professions distinct from medicine and nursing."
Number of bones sharks have...
ZERO lol
Month that we will be visiting UC Merced
February along Sunnyside high school.
Most streamed artist of all time
Hyperhidrosis is the medical term for excessive...
Allied Health professionals comprise over % of the healthcare workforce.
fear of the dogs
UCSF is ranked # in terms of best medical schools in the country.
#3, following John Hopkins and Harvard
Name of community college other than Fresno City College...
west hills, reedley, clovis
Mr. Morrow's birthday month...
I don't know. let's find out.