Who has the iconic catch phrase SHUT UP HOE
Who has gotten drunk the most in the past January and February
Which two boys have group snapped the gc
Daniel and Johnny
Who do we think grace milks should be w
Danny Cahill!
Grace Alice and Grace and Sophia will get their ids
Who is Alice’s biggest opp
Alice’s drunk alter ego alicimo
In Alice’s iconic laurel or yanny video what are the two words that we can’t decide on what she said
Baby or man
Which member of one pride gets annoyed w us the most
What two members of one pride has Michaela thought was cute
Stephen and Shane
There are five members in da FUQ who have had a bf
Name one of the OPPs and explain why they r an opp
Stephanie-too many reasons to count
What were halloweens biggest cannon ball moments?
Michaela flipping off Lucas
Rubys door being broken
Mc bathroom and running awayAlice ryan and Luke
Ryan almost leaving us
How many one pride members has at least one person call cute and name them
Shane, Johnny, Stephen, Zach, narey?, ryanName da fuq situations
Mary- bobo narey?
Alice- ryan
Last time we were all at a function together was Halloween
What did Mia say to me when she came up to me at flex
Cherry bomb
What was the context behind Alice’s viral video
Ryan was saying how he always babysits us and he said it’s like his day in the life
What exactly did Daniel narey say about Alice and Grace
Always drunk and last time they were sober he left early
Name 5 of Mary’s hear me outs
Joseph kariotis
Sean kav
Luke McDonnell
Connor drew
I’m the slide show name where five member of da fuq would go
Mary uvi
Em nc
Grace Alabama
Grace bc
Mich bc
Name all of the opps in da fuq
Stephanie, Trey, Caitlin, Lucas, Mia, alice(she is her own), Daniel narey, Liam
Name everyone’s greatest side quest
Mc- Halloween
Michaela football game
Mary kotz house
Grace kotz house nye
Em traitor Todd’s
Alice taco belle
Sophia chocolate milk run
Grace i bobo house
Name top five ryan crash out moments
Stephen’s 1
Stephen’s 2
Name Brayden’s last name
Without looking how many posts does da FUQ have