This character is a companion in Dragon Age: Awakening and Dragon Age 2
The animated movie, Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker, follows this character
Cassandra Pentaghast
The Arbor Wilds is located in this country
Swooping is bad
What Relic does Hawke and Varric find in the Primeval Thaig?
Red Lyrium Idol
Dorian Pavus is distantly related to this Inquisition team member
The Inquisitor (Trevelyan)
This website allows players to set up custom world states for their journey throughout Thedas
Dragon Age: Keep
In the North Eastern part of Thedas lies an area, which is considered the homeland of the Qunari
Par Vollen
"Beg that I succeed, for I have seen the throne of the gods--and it was empty."
This is the name of Anders' cat
Ser Pounce-a-lot
This companion's real name is Naishe, but she goes by this alternate name
This novel released by Bioware is a collection of short stories
Dragon Age: Tevinter Nights
The Golem Shale is originally from this Thaig
Cadash Thaig
"Shave my back and call me an elf!"
Kirkwall is located in this area of Thedas
Free Marches
Netflix produced a 6 episode animated series for DA called this
Dragon Age: Absolution
Sebastian Vael is from this city state in the Free Marches
Magic can kill. Knives can kill. Even small children flung at high speeds can kill.
This is the nickname that Varric gives Bethany in DA:2
Who is Alistair's true mother and father
King Maric, and First Enchanter Fiona
The Dragon Age comic, The Blue Wrath, follows this companion
The Grey Warden's main headquarters is Weissahaupt, and it is located in this Kingdom to the west of Thedas
"Men's hearts hold shadows darker than any tainted creature."
This is the name of Aveline's late husbands name