who are Michelangelo and Raphael.
2)His brothers
3)His enemy's
4) His teachers
His enemy's
who bought one of Leonardo's books.
1)Bill Gates
2)Neil deGrasse Tyson
3)Mrs Hughes
4)Elon Musk
Bill Gates
which one of these did Leonardo love.
3)using his dual katanas
why does the Mona Lisa have no eyebrows.
1)he was to lazy
2)that was the only part he didn't finish
3)it faded
4)because he liked it that way.=
it faded
who is Verrocchio
1)long lost teen age mutant ninja turtle
2) Leonardo's teacher
3)his Boss
4)his Brother.
Leonardo's teacher
who got some of Leonardo's notebooks after he died.
1)Pompeo Leoni
2) The shredder
3)Francesco Melzi
4)Ser Piero
Pompeo Leoni
why did Leonardo like horses
1)he liked horse back riding
2)for Mental health
3)Horses teach us about ourselves
4)their ability to power the inventions he dreamed up.
their ability to power the inventions he dreamed up.
which of these animals did Leonardo make a statue of.
1)a horse
2)a bird
3)a rat
4)a butterfly
a horse
who was Leonardo's favorite person
1)he didn't
2)Francesco Melzi
3)Francisco Bentancourth
4)Master splinter
Francesco Melzi
how did Leonardo write in his note book.
1)normally and left to right
2)backwards and upside down
3)reversed and right to left
4)with his eyes closed
reversed and right to left
which of these did he like
1)He liked to dissect corpses
2)he liked being a karen
3)going on his computer to look for inspiration
4)none of the above
He liked to dissect corpses
which mechanical thing did Leonardo make
1)the inspiration for Tik-Tok (from the wizard of Oz)
2)A robot
3)actual tik tok
4)a Butterfly
A robot
Who adopted Leonardo
1)Master Splinter
2)His dad
3)His Paternal Grandfather
4)His Paternal Grandmother
His Paternal Grandfather
how much notebooks survived.
why did Leonardo like or not like birds.
1)because they make beautiful sounds
2)he liked them as a kid
3)he liked rats better
4)he liked cats better he was a cat person
he liked them as a kid
which one of these flying things did Leonardo make.
1)a helicopter
2)a plane
3)a jet
4)a flying car
a helicopter
who was Leonardos dad.
1)Alessandro Piero
2)Master Splinter
3)Antonio Piero
4)Ser Piero
Ser Piero
when was Leonardo's first notebook made.
did Leonardo like to draw cartoons
1)cartoons weren't invented
4)all of the above
what is something that Leonardo Da Vinci made for the duke
1)a violin made of silver in the shape of a horse skull and had to be played upside down
2)a clown car that has automated clowns coming out of a super small car.
3)a robot of the duke sitting
4)a painting of the duke that has him playing a song in a to a crowd of people.
a violin made of silver in the shape of a horse skull and had to be played upside down