This is how you unlock Trish in Devil May Cry 2
Beat Hard Mode With Dante or hold L3, R3, L1, and R2
This is the weapon Dante took with him to fight Balrog
The word Dante and Vergil would often say when they were kids
The amount of frames you need for a Max Act in DMC5
Six Frames
The number of deaths before easy mode can be selectable in DMC 3
This is the character who informs Dante that Vergil is alive
The White Rabbit
The Day that the main events of Devil May Cry 5 take place
June 15th
The percentage of health you need to enter Majin Form in DMC2
The amount of times a devil cries throughout the whole series
The name of the dragon Dante summons in DMC1
The weapon Beryl uses in the DMC2 Novel
A Large Anti-Tank Rifle
The flavor of cake Dante and Vergil argued over during their birthday
The name given to an out of bounds sequence you can do with Nero in Mission 3 of DMC 5
University Skip (Brownoie Points if you can answer why it was named)
In red orbs only, the combined total of Stingers 1 and 2 throughout the whole series (Vergil included)
The only time Dante uses stinger outside of gameplay
Fighting Nero in mission 1 of DMC4
In the DMC1 novel, this is the name of the bar Dante frequents
Bobby's Cellar
The number of years stated in DMC1 that Sparda sealed the gate to the demon world
Two Milleniums, or two thousand
This is an advanced mechanic in the series that was discovered in the Devil May Cry 5 demo, but was excluded in the full release
The sign that references another capcom title after trish falls from the sky in DMC1
dino crisis 2
In the DmC Devil May Cry Comic Chronicles of Vergil, Vergil verbally calls out these two moves that are featured in the games
Spiral Swords and Devil Trigger
The names of Sparda's two apprentices that were featured in the DMC Animated Series
Modeus and Baul
A technique in DmC: Devil May Cry which allows the player to perform aerial attacks inches from the ground with Ebony & Ivory's Inverse Rainstorm
Spiral Cancel