True or False
I can print or change up my signature at any time during the year
You need to have a consistent signature
True or False
I can sign out a student who is a pick up only
Only the parent can sign out the student
True or False
I can use AFS or LFS for an excuse
We can only use UNEX or EXC
True or False
Time In
If the student shows up to me at 2:15 I should sign them in at 2:15
We can only sign them in as time corresponding on attendance card
What does does a 2 mean
Transportation Needed
(Student needs to be picked up at that time due to ride only being available at that time)
True or False
My signature and time in need to make the same color of pen
All signature need to match with their corresponding time color
True or False
A parent can use a pencil or color pen to sign out
We would have to trace over with blue or black and initial
True or False
I can't communicate with a teacher about the absences of a student
If you have a good relationship with a teacher it is helpful for you to know if a student LFS or was AFS and not recorded
True or False
I can have all sign out time as 6pm
Due to new regulations we need to have more accurate time that students leave
What is number 5
Medical/Dental Appt
If a student arrives to me at 3pm and the bell rang at 2:25 what steps do I do
Sign in the student at 3pm
Put an ER code for the student
Who signs out walkers
The program leader assigned to the cards, SD or PL2
What is considered an excused absent
When a student is AFS or if the SD takes the excuse of the parent acceptable
If my time is not legible I can just leave it alone since all students are signed in at the same time
No, if your time isn't legible you have to rewrite it and initial
Do we use number 1 and for what
Yes, when students have sports
Or Get to use late from school
True or False
I can sign in my attendance card 15 minutes after I have receive my students
Students need to be singed in within the 5 minutes of pick up
True or False
I can let a walker leave when they feel like leaving program
Walkers can only leave during designated time or with parent consent
When is an absence considered unexcused
When they do not call in for a reason or when they say they are not wanting to go to program today
Or if they have to go to salinas
When do you need an ER Code
Any time before 6pm
When do we use number 7 and give an example
It's only used if the district shuts us down
Ex: the school is on fire district doesn't let us run
Ex: Schools shut down due to covid
What do I do if I'm signing in students that is not my attendance card
Add my name on top of the card without crossing out the other name
How do I fix a misplace parent signature from two different students
make an arrow to the corrected placement and initial
How do you fix an absent mistake when a student was switched from absent to present
You have to cross out the reason and initial and mark the student present
If a student was sign in at 2:25 and signed out by parent at 2:30 I can keep that as present because the parent signed (Explain)
No, the student didn't stay at least 15 minutes in program I would have to cross out my signature, time in, parent signature, time out, and initial them all
What does ELO-P Mean
New grant money awarded to ProYouth from the District to keep students in program if they are only wanting to come once a week or for less then an hour