Lead singer of journey
Steve parry the peladaps
Was the mummy based on a novel true or false?
What is false?
Winston Churchill was Prime Minister of which country?
What is Great BRitian
Is Dads best friend cederick gay
Name two actors in sky captin?
You know
Days of Future Passed moody lues hits
nights in white satin and tuesday afternoon
What is Dr Frakensteines First Name
What is Victor
Which hairstyle would you associate with the '80s?
What is a perm
Who stabbed a spray paint can with a pitch fork?
Who is Ryan Parr?
How long was Han solo in carbobite for
A year
In 1979 what band won won the Grammy Award for Best New Artist
What does teh name Dracula mean originally in Romanian
what is devil
When did the cold war end?
What is December 3, 1989
Who is Grandpa Parr
How many parsecs did the falcon finish the kessel run in
Moody Blues band memebrs?
Graeme Edge, Denny Laine, Mike Pinder, Ray Thomas, and Clint Warwick.
In the creature of the black lagoon What does Dr. Carl Maya take to the Marine Biology Institute?
What is a fossized creature hand?
When did they land on the moon?
when is Jul 16, 1969
Who does this apply to:______ graduated from the University of Utah School of Medicine,University of Utah School of Medicine in 1983. ______ works in Provo, UT and 4 other locations and specializes in Neuroradiology and Diagnostic Radiology. ______ is affiliated with Utah Valley Hospital.
Who is Arlene Gibby
What movie features a monster called Kaiju?
What is pacific rim
What does toto mean
What classic old monster movie says I meddled in things that man must leave alone'
What is the invisible man
When was the first artiricial heart used?
WHen is 1969
How Many Grand kids on the spot now! Including grand kitties! 3 seconds!
What is 18
What other movie is referenced during the aquatic scene in the form a sunken ship.
The ship that went to kong island.