What kind of sweaters do tortoises wear?
Turtle Necks
Why did the computer call the exterminator?
It had a mouse
What musical instruments are donated to hospitals?
What fruit unlocks doors?
The ki-wi
Why are fish so smart?
Because they live in schools.
Why do spiders enjoy computers so much?
They like to play on the web
How did the police officer stop the runaway refrigerator?
She yelled, "FREEZE!"
What instrument do dogs play?
The trom-bone
Why couldn't the egg get good TV reception?
All the channels were scrambled
Where can toddlers plant flowers at school?
Where do pigs sleep in the summertime?
In ham-mocks
What does a baby computer call its father?
Data! (da-da)
Did the drum win the contest?
No, it got beat
How do you send a bouquet to someone on Mother's Day?
You caul-i-flower shop
Why did the developer cross the road?
to get to the other side
What bird wears a toupee?
A bald eagle
Why are elevator jokes so good (funny)?
They work on many levels.
How did the trumpet do when he auditioned for the orchestra?
He blew it
What happens when a grape is getting old and cranky?
It starts to wine
Where in school are you most likely to catch a cold?
In the cough-ateria
What class do snakes teach at school?
Why did the computer get mad at the printer?
Because it didn't like its toner voice!
(tone of voice)
How did the violin get into the orchestra
It pulled some strings
How do omelets get into school?
They have to pass an egg-zam
When are teachers awesome?
When they have a lot of class