This singer is well known for his 2010 single which has the word baby said 56 times throughout the song
Who is Justin Bieber?
What is "Baby Shower"?
Why did the orange lose the race?
It ran out of juice!
This is the likely beverage of choice for new dads
This body part accounts for about a quarter of a newborn's weight
What is "the head"?
This 2019 song went viral due to its adorable use of a specific ocean animal
What is "Baby Shark"?
What is "Water Breaking"?
How do you make an octopus laugh?
With ten-tickles!
Is there such thing as using too many wipes?
This act of gentle patting on a baby’s back helps release swallowed air
This popular children's song has the same melody as the alphabet
What is "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"?
What is "Lullaby"?
What’s a computer’s favorite snack?
Remember to take lots of these of the baby and the mom
Photos and videos
A newborn baby is unable to produce this on their own until about three weeks of age
What is "tears"?
This is a 1998 debut single by Britney Spears
What is "Baby One More Time"?
What is "Morning Sickness"?
What do you call an angry carrot?
A steamed veggie!
Do this while the baby does it too
A baby is born into this world every ____ seconds
What is "seven seconds"?
This popular Christmas Song was written in 1944
What is "Baby its Cold Outside"?
What is "Potty Training"?
If Apple made a car, what would it not have?
This is the number one encouragement for new dads
All things mentioned :) You are going to be great!!!!
This is the baby's due date :)
**Dad to answer**