What’s the name of the card game daddy plays?
Magic: The Gathering
What’s the name of the Canberra Rugby League team?
What does the Doctor travel in?
What’s Daddy’s favorite Domino’s pizza?
Fire Breather / Hot and Spicy
Who is Daddy’s favorite Disney princess?
Princess Leia.
What does D&D stand for?
Dungeons and Dragons
Can Daddy play tennis?
How many lions does it take to form Voltron?
What’s Daddy’s coffee order?
Cappuccino with 1 sugar
Dorothy had 3 friends. Name one?
Tinman, Scarecrow and Lion.
If Ive got Zombies and Aliens, what game am I playing?
Smash Up
What ‘sport’ would you be watching if you saw the Undertaker tombstone someone?
What was Buffy the slayer of?
What country does Pad Thai come from?
Who is Daddy’s favorite Star Wars character?
Han Solo
What’s the name of the most expensive card in Magic?
Black Lotus ($200,000)
What was Michael Jordan’s nickname or jersey number?
Air Jordan and 23
What season of Hermitcraft was the first one Daddy watched?
Season 6
Name all the sauces you can get on a Sunday at McDonald’s?
Chocolate, caramel and strawberry
Who wrote the Harry Potter books?
JK Rowling
What’s the name of the big games shop in Canberra?
The Games Capital
How many players on the field for one team in soccer?
Name any character from the show Gadget, other than Gadget.
Penny, Brain, Mad Cat, Dr Claw.
What did Mummy and Daddy have for lunch the day they decided to get married?
What month is Daddy’s birthday?