how much was the Lawsuit for?
Sports dad played as a kid (there are 5)
Baseball, basketball, football, softball, wrestling
What is dads favorite song?
Your love (Josie’s on a vacation far away)
How old is dad turning?
What age did mom have Alexis
What’s the car that Paula drove for YEARS before her car now
The haircut dad had as a kid
A bowl cut
What’s a car that dad wants currently
The sport dad plays the most now
Where did mom and dad get married
Name at least 3 plants Paula has grown
Basil, begonia, squash, tomato, cucumber, zucchini
What was dads first job as a kid
Working at Shoffners store
Name at least 3 foods dad likes (There’s only 5)
Steak, potatoes, noodles, rice, chicken
What’s the name of dads friend hint* bald and Indian
Where did mom and dad meet?
At a pool
Which twin made it to the military
What age range did dad do body building
Early twenties
What’s dads favorite activity at the gym?
The sauna
The name of dads favorite movie series
James Bond
When’s moms birthday?
August 9
Where is Robbie now (City)
High Point
What was dads first car
What’s dads favorite show?
What age did dad start working at Martin Marietta?
What were mom and dads costumes at a Halloween party hint* there’s a photo around the house
A beach guy and a devil