Who won the 2024 Presidential Election
Donald Trump
Who was the Republican Candidate?
Donald Trump
What are the 5 Oceans of the world?
Artic, Atlantic, Pacific, Southern, Indian
How many voyages did Columbus take to America?
What year did Columbus sail the ocean blue?
What day is Election day?
the first Tuesday in November
Who was the Democratic candidate?
Kamala Harris
Which Ocean is closest to New Jersey?
Atlantic Ocean
What disease did the sailors contract and why?
Scurvy because of a lack of Vitamin C
What is the biggest Continent?
Which animals represent the Democratic and Republican parties?
Donkey= Democratic
Elephant= Republican
What is the vote called that the United states citizens vote for?
The popular vote
What Ocean has a boot leg land mass?
Who was America named after?
Amerigo Vespucci
When was Columbus born?
How many Electoral College votes does a candidate need to win the Presidential election?
What is a candidate?
A person who seeks to be elected or appointed to a certain position
Which Ocean is at the bottom of the world?
Southern Ocean
What fraction of Magellan's ships returned to Spain from the voyage in 1592?
Which 5 continents are touching the Pacific Ocean?
North America, South America, Australia, Antarctica and Asia
What day is the President Inagurated?
January 20
Who is responsible for choosing the president?
The Electoral College
Which 2 oceans touch Russia?
Arctic and Pacific
Name 3 of Columbus' ships
Pinto, Santa Maria, and the Nina
Which 4 continents are touching the Indian Ocean?
Africa, Asia, Australia, and Antarctica