Before and After
Mother's Day
Catholic Saints
What's That Song?

A nutty Thanksgiving dessert gets graphed based on the 40% that is eaten. 

What is pecan pie chart?


This type of "mom" drives her kids around in an SUV to their sporting activities--one sport in particular

What is a soccer mom?


While he at first followed his own desires of becoming a knight, which only lead to his capture and imprisonment, he relented and renounced his inheritance and started the Order of the Friars Minor.

Who is St. Francis of Assisi?


As a child, he was known as "Little Ike"; he later dropped the "Little"

Who is Dwight Eisenhower?



Did you finally get the chance to dance along the light of day
And head back to the Milky Way?

What is "Drops of Jupiter (Tell Me)?"


An apocalyptic blanket of fallout dust that drops all temperatures on earth occurs around December 21st. 

What is nuclear winter solstice?


Mom's traditional warning, about getting these if you swim right after eating, only applies to a big meal & long swim

What are cramps?

Patron saint of Europe, nurses, and the sick, this doctor of the Church lived only on the Eucharist daily, counseled two popes, cared for the victims of the bubonic plague, and received gifts of spiritual marriage and stigmata.

Who is St. Catherine of Sienna?


He was so big that a bathtub large enough to hold 4 men was installed in the White House for him

Who is William Howard Taft?


Mike Posner:

And you don't even look when you pass by
But you don't know the way that you look

What is "Cooler Than Me?"


C.S. Lewis' Narnia book that showed off a little too much skin at the 2004 Super Bowl halftime show.

What is The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe malfunction?


Dictionaries don't have a word for the study of mothers, but mariology is the study of his mother

Who is Jesus?


These two martyrs were beheaded after a wild cow, meant to mock them, did not kill them in the Roman amphitheater.

Who are Sts. Perpetua and Felicity?


To some, he was "Tippecanoe"; to others, "Old Tip"

Who is William Henry Harrison?



Decision to decisions are made and not bought
But I thought this wouldn't hurt a lot, I guess not

What is "Kids?"


An early 2010s meme where people danced to a short excerpt of a song by Heinz to provide a healthier alternative to fried food.

What is Harlem Shake 'n Bake?


A mom who pushes her child into the performing arts is called this type of mother, a synonym for "theater"

What is a stage mom?


She taught many young girls in her own home and founded the first secular lay institute for laity in the history of the Church - the Company of Saint Ursula - with 28 other virgins.

Who is St. Angela Merici?

This word became forever linked with Warren Harding when he mispronounced the word "normality" in a 1920 speech

What is "normalcy?"


Billy Joel:

You got your passion, you got your pride
But don't you know that only fools are satisfied?

What is "Vienna?"


A swelling of tendons Serena Williams might have experienced while eating meatsauce.

What is tennis elbow pasta?


This 19th century woman was mom to Clara, William & Percy--&, metaphorically, to a monster

Who is Mary Shelley?


This Archbishop of Milan is in large part of responsible for keeping the Council of Trent together, as well as serving thousands of people daily in the midst of plague and famine.

Who is St. Charles Borromeo?


In a tragic coincidence, his mother & his first wife, Alice, both died on Valentine's Day in 1884

Who is Theodore Roosevelt?


The Smiths:

Take me out tonight
Take me anywhere, I don't care  

What is "There is a Light That Never Goes Out?"
