When did a man become a paterfamilias?
When his own father died.
Who made the decisions at Roman trials?
a jury
What was a typical home for a poor Roman city-dweller?
an apartment in a tall building
What was a thermopolia?
A fast-food restaurant for poor Romans
What emperor had a temple constructed to house a statue of himself?
In Rome, people were commonly enslaved after
being captured in a war.
Where did poor and wealthy Romans go to relax?
Public Roman bathhouses
What is " garum"?
a salty fish sauce
What percent of the empire's people lived in the country?
90 percent
What happened in 64 C.E.?
A disastrous fire broke out that burned down much of the city.
What was the "Forum" in ancient Rome?
The center gathering place of most of the important public activities of the city of Rome and its empire.
Why was fighting a regular event in the Colosseum?
to entertain the audience and keep the poor happy.
Who would most likely see the foods listed below?
“Mice cooked in honey, roasted parrots stuffed with dates, salted jellyfish, snails dipped in milk”
a wealthy Roman
What did a Roman boy give up during his transition to adulthood?
(100 for each correct answer)
A Roman boy transitioning to adulthood offered his childhood toys, clothes, and bulla to the gods.
What were the jobs that some Roman women could have?
(100 for each correct answer)
Dentists; Real Estate Agents; Tutors
I'll also accept midwives (nurses who helped with childbirth)
The poor often ate food that was
bought at "fast-food" shops. These places were also known as "thermopolia".
Why did the Roman emperors give the poor “bread and circuses”?
so the poor would not rebel
Young children of wealthy Romans were often tutored by (be specific)
enslaved, educated Greeks.
What was the biggest danger for people living in Roman apartment buildings, and where did this danger come from?
(200 for each correct answer)
Fires from cooking grills
What jobs were common for Roman men, especially those from wealthy families?
(100 for each correct answer)
Soldiers; Doctors; Politicians; Lawyers
Why did Rome have many different forms of worship?
Foreigners brought their religions.
Why would a Roman family throw a small cake into the fire?
They were making an offering to the goddess of the hearth (Vesta).
What did many wealthy Romans do when the city got hot in the summer?
moved to their estates in the country
Why was the home of a wealthy Roman unlikely to burn down?
It was made of stone and marble.
What was one difference between seating at the Colosseum and the Circus Maximus?
Men and women sat together at the Circus Maximus