Random Trivia

This is what you put on armpits to prevent odor (stinky).

DEODORANT! We use DEODORANT to make sure we smell fresh and aren't sweating.


You have a fever. You keep coughing and you don't feel well. Where should you go?

You should go to the doctors office. A doctor keeps you healthy. 


You spilled the rest of your chips on the floor. What do you need?

A broom! You sweep up crumbs with a broom. If it's on a carpet you will use a vacuum!


You're feeling sick. You know there is medicine in the cabinet, your mom always has a lot of medicine. So you should take your mom's medicine. True or false?

FALSE! There are many medicines for many different things. Taking the wrong medicine is unsafe.



Where is your adult transition program located?

Sequoia High (SHS)! 


What do you need to clean your teeth every day?

What is a TOOTHBRUSH and TOOTHPASTE to brush your teeth. 


You are out of milk, eggs, and bread. Where should you go?

The grocery store! 


Where can I find a coffee table? 

The living room! 


You took a nap. When you woke up you saw a lot of smoke coming from the downstairs. You decide to play a video game before inspecting the smoke. This is the best choice. True or false?

False! You should immediately tell someone, if you can't find someone to tell, you need to leave right away and call 911! This is not safe. 


Are you a high school student?

Nope! You are an adult attending a program that happens to be located in a high school classroom. 


What can you use to make sure your skin is not dry? 

You can use LOTION to make sure that your skin doesn't get dry. 


You are going to a football game. You need $50 in cash to pay for your ticket and snacks. Were would you go?

The bank! Banks hold your money and you can get it out when you need to. You'll need to go to an ATM, and some ATM's are even away from banks and in places like gas stations and stores. 


You want to bake a cake. Where do you do that?

You bake in the kitchen. 


A cashier is someone who gives you money to shop for groceries and then eats with you. True or false?

False! A cashier takes your money as payment at a grocery store, a cashier bags groceries also!


What month did we start school?


Steps one takes when showering.

First, wash your face, then wash your hair with shampoo/conditioner. Next you wash your body with soap or body wash. 


Your teeth hurt, you might have a cavity or maybe you just need a cleaning. Where should you go?

The dentist! Dentist make sure that our teeth are clean, healthy, and shiny! 


Good morning! Time to get up an get dressed. First let's brush our teeth. Where do we do that?

Bathroom! Our toothbrush and toothpaste are in the bathroom. 


Placing your finger in outlets before you plug your phone in is safe. True or false?

You should never put your finger in an electrical outlet. You will get shocked and can be severely hurt. 


What is an internship?

It's a place where we learn important vocational skills so we can get paid jobs.


How often should you brush your teeth?

You should brush your teeth 2 times! Every morning and night. (Don't forget to floss your teeth too)


You want to buy new professional outfit for your job. Where do you go?

The Mall or a clothing store in the city. 


Tell me 3 things that can be hot. 

A stove, a fire, the sun, a pan, the oven, and more!


After using the bathroom, you should always wash their hands. True or false?

True! This keeps germs away!


What does it mean to be Independent?

It means to rely less and less on other people. 
