What is the weather neccessary for take off
Engine Oil Pressure; Minimum, Caution Range, Continuous operation, Maximum continuous. (exceeding what pressure is allowed for only ground idle.)
1.3 bar, 1.3-1.5 bar, 1.5-5.0 bar, (5.0 bar)
What are the Mast Moment Limits
64% and 77%
What are the Classes of Air Space?
Class A,B,C,D,E,G.
Define Land Immediately, As Soon as Possible, Land As soon as Practicable.
The urgency of landing is paramount. Primary consideration is to assure Survival of the occupants. Landing in water, trees, or other unsafe areas should be considered only as a last resort.
Land without delay at the nearest adequate site (i.e. open field) at which a safe approach and landing can be made.
The landing site and duration of the flight are at the discretion of pilot. Extended flight beyond the nearest approved landing area where appropriate assistance can be expected is not recommended.
For weight and Balance the PC will ensure-
a. The Accuracy of computations on the DD form 365-4
b. That a completed DD form 365-4 is aboard the aircraft or on file to verify weight and CG remain within allowable limits.
Main transmission oil pressure; Minimum, Caution Range, Continuous operation, Maximum. (acceptable range during pressure build-up phase.)
1 bar, 1-1.5 bar, 1.5-5 bar, 5 bar, (1-1.4)
what is the vne for oei, autorotation, doors open, maximum rearward flight with doors open.
110, 90, 100, 15
After donating 200 cc blood or more, how long are aircrew members restricted from flying duties?
72 Hours
State each step in FADEC-F and RAASH
Fly, Alert,Diagnose,execute,communicate,Fly.
Rotor, Attitude, Altitude,Speed, Heading
Flying time starts/ends...
when a helicopter lifts off ground. Flying time ends when aircraft has landed and the engines are stopped or the flying crew changes.
Three Basic rules to assist pilot during inflight emergency.
1. Maintain aircraft control
2. Analyse the situation
3. Take Proper Action
Engine Starter Energize Time Limits Onboard Battery Power.
Engine Starter Energize Time Limits External Power.
Engine ventilation Energize Time Limits Onboard Battery.
Engine ventilation Energize Time Limits External Power.
30,60,30,60,30 30 min off
20,60,20,60,20 30 min off
20,60,20 23 min off
15,60,15 23 min off
After consuming Alcohol, air crew members will not fly...
For a period of 12 hours and until no residual effects.
Human Factors considered in the prevention of dynamic rollover.
3. Failure to take timely corrective action
4. Inappropriate control input
5. Loss of visual reference
Standard Task 1004 Plan a VFR Flight...
a. Determine if the aircrew and aircraft are capable of completing the assigned mission.
b. Determine if the flight can be performed under VFR.
c. Determine if the fuel required for the mission IAW AR 95-1 +/- 100lbs.
d.Verify aircraft performance data and ensure power is avaliabe to complete the mission IAW the current RFM.
e. Verify NOTAM information or the planned departure, enroute, and destination airfield.
Prohibited Flight Maneuvers
a. Aerobatic Maneuvers
b. Intentional full autorotation landings
c. flight into icing conditions
Rotor RPM Limitations Power On/Off
Min Transient (Max 20s)
Min Cont (GM < 2000, GM >2000)
Max Cont
Partial Power
Max Transient
Min tran (85%/-)
Min Cont (< 96%/80%) (>96%/85%)
Max cont (104%/104%)
Partial (106%/106%)
Max Tran(106%/110%)
What does the H/V on the PPC convey?
Minimum altitude at a stationary hover from which a safe landing can be expected after a single engine failure.
For running landing maneuvers (Task 1065/1074) the phrase "touchdown speed appropriate for conditions is defined as...
At or slightly above ETL. Touchdown in the first 1/3 of approach lane and middle 1/3 is acceptable.
A steady State autorotation means...
a. Rotor RPM within limits
b. Aircraft is at correct airspeed
c. aircraft in trim
d. Aircraft is in a position to terminate at the intended landing area.
EP Single Engine failure - Flight
1. OEI flight condition-Establish
2. Rotor Speed- Trim to Max
3. Affected engine- Identify
4. Single engine emergency shutdown-perform
5. Land as Soon as Practicable
What are the only three EPs that require and Immediate landing.
Fire (ENG 1 or ENG 2)
XMSN Oil Pressure
Degraded Visual Environment (DVE)
State of reduced visibility whereby spatial situational awareness and aircraft control cannot be maintained with the same precision as in normal visual meteorological conditions.