Which of the four stomach compartments lies just inside the abdominal cavity on the underside of the animal?
Bunching of animals is the most common during what season?
What color are healthy alfalfa roots?
What disease in cattle is treated by 23% calcium administered intravenously?
Milk fever, post parturient hypocalcemia, or parturient paresis
What president in 1944 signed a proclamation for a recognition week dedicated to farm safety?
Franklin D. Roosevelt
The Poll
What is the ideal number of hours of rest per day for cows?
12 hours
Energy loss in the digestive tract is mainly in the form of what?
Inflammation/infection of the lungs
What state received the highest mailbox price in 2020?
For the Holstein classification programs linear trait, udder depth, the floor of the udder is measured relative to whish other part of the cow's anatomy?
Do cows prefer diets that are salty, bitter, or sweet?
Pollination of alfalfa seed depends on what insect?
What is blamed for the vast majority of stillbirths and why rates are significantly higher in heifers than they are in older cattle?
Cows can drink water at a rate of how many gallons per minute?
3-5 gallons
Why should a weight tape not be pulled too tight or left too loose?
Overestimating or underestimating weight will occur
What is defined as a super-powered serum that has the potential to directly impact calves' health, growth, and productivity from day one to adulthood?
When reading bull proofs, what does the acronym PTA stand for?
Predicted Transmitting Ability
A calf does not have the ability to produce its own antibodies until they are how old?
2-3 Months
What piece of farm equipment is used to narrow the swath for a baler or chopper and to move the wetter material at the bottom of the windrow through the outside?
Rake or merger
What is the name of the section of the cows located between the chine and the rump called?
Cows prefer to ruminate when they are doing what
Lying down
What structure connects muscle to bone?
The single most expensive disease in the dairy industry
Roasted soybeans are a very popular feeding source as they supply rumen-undegradable protein and what else?