How many gallons of water does a cow drink a day?
30-50 gallons
What breed of dairy goat is this?
What dairy breed is known for its high percentage of milk fat?
how many teeth do cows have?
The slightly sour liquid left over after butter has been churned. It is used in baking and consumed as a drink.
Wat state produces the most milk?
What breed of goat is this?
A dairy animal with no breed registration is classified as a ____ animal.
Grade animal
The average gestation period for a dairy cow is:
about nine months or 279 to 292 days
What is A2 milk?
Cow’s milk that contains only the A2 variant of beta-casein protein (A1 is the other variant)
What is the most common type of parlor in the United States?
herringbone parlor
How long is a doe's gestation?
145-155 days
A dual-purpose breed. Developed in England, they are known for easy calving, hardiness, and versatility.
Milking Shorthorn
Inflammation of the mammary gland is called:
What does UHT stand for with respect to dairy product processing?
Ultra high temperature pasteurization
How many pounds of milk is needed to make one pound of cheese (on average)?
10 pounds
Where are LaMancha goats tattooed?
Their tail
Name the 6 (or 7) dairy breeds
Holstein, red holstein, jersey, guernsey, milking shorthorn, brown swiss, ayrshire
What disease causes a sweet or acetone odor of the cow's breath and occurs when a cow's energy demands are not met, so she must mobilize fat stores?
Ketosis or hyperketonemia
What two sugars make up lactose?
Galactose and glucose
What is the major physical difference between goat and cow's milk?
Natural Homogenization in goats milk
How do you tell the age of a goat?
Their teeth
What breed is this?
At what age does the calf generally have a fully developed rumen?
3 to 4 months (12 to 16 weeks)
What month is national dairy month?