Current Agricultural Research
Beef and Dairy
About what percent of feed costs account for all of production expenses? a. 50% b. 68% c. 65% d.39%
What is 65%
This additive according to a USDA study has the potential to replace antibiotic use on natural and organic poultry farms. A. Baking Soda B.Yeast Extract C. Soap D.Yogurt
What is Yeast Extract
Which of the following is NOT a primary organism associated with mastitis: Brucella aborus, Streptococcus agalactia, Streptococcus uberous, or Staphylococcus aureus?
What is Brucella aborus
A technique called ________ may be used to prevent soil erosion and conserve rainfall. A. No till planting B. Tile Drainage C. Contour Plowing D. Soil Aeration
What is Contour Plowing
Give the name of the first cow clone to be genetically altered with a gene for producing lysostaphin.
What is the swine disease that causes poor conception rates, reabsorbed litters, mummies and small litters? a. Parvovirus b. Leptospirosis c. Brucellosis d. Dysentery
What is Parvovirus
Some preliminary studies using this milk alternative to feed piglets suggests that it can help build more bone by activating the BMP2 (short for "bone morphogenesis protein") signaling pathway. a.rice milk b.coconut milk c.soy milk d.almond milk
What is soy milk
In reproduction, what is the term for the uterus’s button-like structures that attach the uterus to the developing fetal membrane?
What are Caruncles
For example, a hybrid grain called ________ was produced by crossbreeding rye and wheat. a. Maize b.Buckwheat c.Barley d. Triticale
What is Triticale
Which infectious hoof disease is caused by the spirochete bacteria?
What are Heel warts digital dermatitis
At what phase of production is a pig most efficient at converting feed to muscle? a. nursing b. finishing c. growing
What is nursing
This vitamin when used to treat Dairy cows at the NADC in Ames, Iowa showed a significant reduction in bacteria counts and less clinical sign of severe masitis infection compared to untreated cows. In the early stage of the infection, as this vitamin reduced the bacterial counts, milk production was greater in the treated animals. a.Vitamin C b.Vitamin E c.Vitamin D d.Vitamin K
What is Vitamin D
What is the primary acid formed during the fermentation of milk for the making of cheese?
What is Lactic Acid
What is a bio filter used for on the farm?
What is to filter air or water to reduce farm pollution
How many pounds of hard cheese will one thousand pounds of milk yield?
What is 100 pounds of hard cheese
What swine disease causes infertility and abortions 15 days after breeding? a. Leptospirosis b. Brucellosis c. Internal Parasites d. Atrophic rhinitis
What is Brucellosis
Scientists in texas developed a chlorate-based compound mixed into feed or water was shown to be highly effective in reducing E. coli in cattle and Salmonella in turkeys and broiler chickens. What potential problems in the livestock industry could the development of such a compound relieve?
What is antibiotic resistance
What is the name of the major artery that supplies blood to the udder?
What is External Pudic Artery
What feed additive is added at harvest to stimulate fermentation and reduce dry matter loss?
What are Silage Bacterial Inoculants
What country is home to the most milking cows in the world?
What is India
What type of farms involve all stage of production from breeding through finishing to market weights?
What are Farrow to Finish Farms
Unlike traditional gene sequencing, the new molecular technique—metagenomics—eliminates the need to cultivate and isolate individual microbial species. Scientists can apply genomic analysis to mixed communities of microbes instead of to just one organism.... the USDA has been applying metagenomic techniques to the gut of what agricultural species?
What are Turkeys
What alters rumen fermentation by boosting the production of propionate acid and reducing the production of acetic acid?
What are Ionophores
What is the name for a written plan for the land application of manure and fertilizer to meet crop needs?
What is Nutrient Management Plan
Consumers spend ____ billion for food originating on U.S. farms and ranches. a. $200 b. $457 c. $547 d. $688
What is $547