The act of delaying or putting off tasks until the last minute, or past their deadline.
What is procrastination?
Lack of motivation, basic needs aren’t being taken care of, overwhelmed with thoughts and feelings, trouble prioritizing what’s important.
Why can’t I focus?
Sweating, shaking, rapid heartbeat, dry mouth, fainting, nausea, “butterflies” in the stomach.
What does test anxiety feel like?
“I can’t do this.”
“I will do the best I can with what I have”
YOUR reasons for doing something
What is motivation?
Sleep, hunger, thirst, nutrition, health.
What are some of my basic needs?
Difficulty concentrating, racing thoughts, memory impairments, “going blank,” unable to recall information or problem solve.
What does test anxiety look like?
“I am bad at _____ subject.”
“This subject does not come easy to me so I will need some extra time and help to prepare for exams”
Turning down other invitations to focus on the tasks you have prioritized.
What is setting boundaries?
Managing distractions, prioritizing, and getting organized.
How can I improve focus?
Past trauma related to school or test taking, perfectionism or unrealistic performance expectations, anxiety related to crowded spaces or high-pressure situations, fear of failure
What contributes to (causes) test anxiety?
“Everyone else is smarter/more prepared than me.”
“I deserve to be here and can only focus on preparing myself for this exam, it doesn’t matter how everyone else does.”
It is a lot, but I can take it one step at a time.
What is a positive self-statement?
Make a to-do list with items in order of priority.
How can I prioritize and get organized?
Write out things you are worried about forgetting on scrap paper before starting your exam.
(This is a strategy for test-taking that you can use during an exam.)
What is a brain dump?
“If I fail this exam, I will never pass this class… graduate… have a successful career… etc.”
“I can’t know the future, so all I can do is try to pass this exam now and if I don’t, I will take steps needed to re-adjust.”
Worst-First Method, Building Momentum, 5-Minute Approach
What are strategies for managing procrastination?
4 - 7 - 8 Breathing Technique: Inhale 4, Hold 7, Exhale 8
How can I refocus by practicing mindfulness breathing?
Prepare what you can before bed and get to the exam early, if possible.
How can you prepare BEFORE an exam?
Try one on your own! - Come up with a negative thought you may have before an exam and replace the negative thought with a neutral, objective, or more positive thought that helps you feel motivated.
That was a great example!