Which cookies have coconut?
Carmel DeLites
Which cookie flavor comes in a dark green box?
Thin Mints
Which cookie is the top seller?
Thin Mints
Is it honest and fair to sell cookies before the official start date?
What is the name of the new cookie?
Shortbread, Lemonades, PB Sandwich, Toast-yays
What color is the Lemonade packaging?
Do customers need to pay for shipping when buying online?
Yes, but the cost goes down the more they buy!
How can we encourage customers to be considerate and caring?
Offer to have them donate cookies to the military.
What color is the package for the new cookie?
Light green
Name two cookies with chocolate
Thin Mints, Carmel DeLites, PB Patties, S'Mores, Caramel Chocolate Chip
Which cookies come in the purple box?
Carmel deLites
Which cookies did Toast-yays replace?
How are we selling cookies this year to be safe?
Online only
Name one of the cookies made with peanuts
Peanut Butter Patties or Peanut Butter Sandwiches
What color is the box for Shortbread cookies?
Light Blue
It is the last year for which cookie?
Should you post anything online without talking to your adult first?
What shape is the new cookie?
Which cookie is your favorite?
Whichever one you like best!
What colors are packages for the two peanut butter cookies?
Which cookies cost $6.00?
Gluten-Free Caramel Chocolate Chip
How can we sell to our neighbors, family and friends?
Send them your website link
French toast