Famous presedents
Food and drink
Supreme court cases
Great wars
Terrible U.S disasters

Which U.S president was the youngest president to run the white house

Who is John f. Kennedy?


This is the most eaten kind of food on thanksgiving, it was also served during the first thanksgiving.

What is Turkey?


This case stemmed from a Texas law that said abortion was illegal unless, by doctor's orders, it was said to save a woman's life.

What was Roe v. Wade (1973)?


This war started after the devastating 9/11 attacks that shocked America.

When was the Iraq War (2003-2006)?


This massive tornado struck Missouri, it was a category 5 tornado cost over $2.8 billion in damages and cost the lives of 153 people.

When was the Joplin tornado (2011)?


Which U.S president was a general in the Army during the revolutionary war.

Who is George Washinton?


This simple drinks is everywhere, and is also the element H2O

What is water?


This Supreme court case involved a inequality case involving races being separated from each other in a area that is not separated from race anymore 

What was Brown v. Board of Education (1954)?


This was the first war that helped us become our own country

When was THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR (1775-1783)?


This category 5 hurricane struck the new orlines area and caused over 1,800 deaths and $125 billion in damage.

When was Hurricane Katrina 2005?


Which U.S president was the first black president to run the U.S

Who is Barack Obama?


This 1875 drink has gone big into many brands like: mug, A & W, barrel, and many more.

What is Rootbeer?


This cased involved a man who was sentenced to death but his lawyer didn't call any witnesses.

What was Strickland v. Washington (1984)?


This war wiped out lot's of soldiers on battlefield in a mater of minutes, this was one of americas worst wars.

When was the VIETNAM WAR (1959-1975)?   


This terrible hurricane accrued to be worst than hurricane Katrina because it was more powerful, it caused the life of at least 42 people and cost an estimated $14 billion in damages.

When was hurricane laura (2020)?


This U.S president was the first president to impeached before Donald Trump 

Who is Andrew Johnson?


These sweets may dance in children head on Christmas eve.

What are sugarplums?


This man during a protest at the capitol burned the national flag in protest against president Ronald Regan, he was arrested and sentenced to 1 year in jail and had to pay a $2,000 fine. He appealed saying burning flags was allowed because it was protected under the First Amendment.

What was Texas v. Johnson (1989)?


This war helped free the slaves from the south so they can join the union before the south became their own country.

When was the CIVIL WAR (1861–1865)?


This terrible event happened when the Japanese planes came to this place at Hawaii, it also started one of our wars.   

When was the bombing of peri harbor (1941)? 


What U.S presidents helped develop and sign the

Who is John Adams & Tomas Jefferson?


These fizzy drinks come in many shapes, sizes and many flavors.

What is soda?


This case involved a 35 year old veteran who was a different race and wanted to go to medical school, but was rejected twice, The school accepts 100 people every year and 16 were from the minority group. He argued that due to the "reverse racism", and his grades were better than the 16 selected from the minority group.

What was Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978)?


This world war was an attempt to free millions of jews from dictator adaf hitler.

When was WORLD WAR II (1939-1945)?


This terrible earthquake only lasted for a minute but caused so much destruction it killed over 3,400 people and destroyed roughly 80% of the infamous city.

When was the San Francisco Earthquake 1906?
