What is Self-Advocacy?
The ability to communicate what your needs or interests are
What are boundaries?
How we tell others our limits
What are rights?
Things you have that are protected by law. Rules that make people equal.
What is being assertive?
One good way you can communicate by – being calm, stating your feelings clearly, maintaining respect for the other person, and having good posture.
What are some examples of good hygiene and grooming?
Having brushed hair, clean clothes, and clean hands
How can you advocate for yourself?
Speaking up for yourself
Why do we set boundaries?
To show respect to ourselves and others
What should you do if there is something you are not able to do on the job?
Talk to your boss about accommodations
How do you ask for help?
Be direct, clear, and specific about what you need help with
What is the importance of good hygiene and grooming?
Good grooming and hygiene will help you look presentable to your friends, family, loved ones, and at your job/school
When packing up to leave for the day you feel completely overwhelmed with how much work you have. Is this a problem that you should ask for help with?
Someone you just met wants to hug you. You do not want a hug. What should you do?
Politely tell them you do not want a hug
Are the rights of a person with a disability are more important than the rights of people without?
If you cannot come to your shift due sickness, how would you tell your employer?
I am sick, so I cannot make it to work. Can we discuss how to figure this out in a way that works for both of us?
How do you participate in good personal hygiene practices?
Use deodorant, brush your teeth, take a shower, wash your hands
Your supervisor was not clear on your instructions for the days tasks. What do you need to do?
Ask your supervisor to be more clear, so you can do your job well
Someone bumps into you and tells you to move. What should you do?
Politely remind them that that is rude.
If you have a disability, should you try to go to college or get a job?
You have the right to engage in typical activities like going to college or getting a job.
You’re at a community event, like a fair or festival, and get separated from your group. Who should you ask for help?
An event staff member, a security guard, or a police officer
How would you represent yourself during a job interview?
Clean and professional clothes without logos or statements