This staff member can type 131 words per minute.
Joey Lipetz
This staff member once put diesel in their car
Saraleh Karfunkel
These 4 staff members have a twin
Tehila Haimovici, Josh Mitchel, Arava Shoham, Reut Giat
Zach Marks
This head staff is from Columbus Ohio
Talia delman
2 tzevet members who played piano for 10 years or more.
Josh Mitchel, Avital Rozenfeld
This counselor can do cool flips on a trampoline
Mat Levovski
This counselor lived in 3 different continents
Yoni Wise
This staff member goes to the doctor at least once a week
Tiferet Dishi
This head staff can solve a 5x5 Rubik's cube
Shai Fish
Max Grossman
This staff member played ice hockey for 11 years
Eden Sorek
This staff member used to skateboard
Evan Simon
Ahuva Goldfield
This staff member as 4 names
Zach Steinberg
This staff member got into a car accident 3 days after they got their licence
Galil Neuer
These 3 staff members can't ride a bike
Hannah Alloul, Kira Friedman, Sadie Rahany
This staff member sleeps with her eyes open
Hannah Alloul
This head staff can lick their elbow
Ilan Shields
This counselor doesn't like pasta
Daniel Berman
This counselor had webbed toes
Eyal Schecter
This counselor fell out of a swing when they were a infant
Michael Amar
This staff member bred puppies during Covid
Sadie Rahany
This head staff had a seizure when they were 3
Zev Bell