What is Dale's favorite funny movie?
The Blues Brothers
How many years did Dale live in Cincinnati?
What is Dale's most expensive hobby?
Private Pilot
What is Dale's favorite late night snack?
Skyline Chili
Professional Snow Shoveler
Jerry Springer was the Mayor of this famous city.
When growing up, how long would it take Dale to get from a Reds game, to in bed?
<30 minutes
At 18 years old, what was Dale's first job?
How many speeding tickets has Dale had?
Wedding DJ
Who is Dale's 2nd favorite comedian?
What is Dale's Skyline Chili order?
2 Conies and a 3-way
What is Dale's favorite movie?
Animal House
How many auto accidents has Dale been involved in?
Amazon Delivery Driver
What is Dale's least favorite smell outside of the Trailer?
Under-services porta-potties
When the Ohio River froze over, what year was Dale on the news?
What is Dale's granddogs name?
What is Dale's favorite alcoholic beverage?
Gin and Tonic (Tanqueray)
Tour Guide
What is Dale's least favorite thing about himself?
The Diaper Rash
What award did Dale win in Highschool?
Best Thespian Award
What was Dale's first car?
Datson 210
Who is Dale's celebrity crush?
Ally Sheedy
Bourbon Bus Driver