Who is my favorite DC superhero?
The Flash
Mr. Zier
Mr. Larsen
I went to the state bowling tournament twice during high school. How high did I place in either event?
Double: How high did I place in both events?
Senior Year: 10th
When I was a kid, I couldn't play Yu-Gi-Oh! What card game did my mother give us as a replacement?
In Fort Lee, Virginia, I played on sports teams with names of pro sports teams. Name 3 of the 4 teams I played on.
Double: Name all 4 teams.
Cubs, Redskins, Cowboys, and Wizards
In which state did I spend most of my elementary school years?
Who was my homeroom teacher in 8th Grade?
Ms. Weibel
Which basketball coach and Freshman geometry teacher told me that I should continue to pursue basketball, which I turned down to bowl for my high school career?
Mr. Wolfe
What card game am I the best at?
4 Point Pitch
What video game did I choose to be the best at when I was a young kid?
Bradley Elementary was the elementary school I went to. What was 1 of the other 2 elementary schools on Fort Leavenworth?
Double: What were both of the elementary schools?
MacArthur and Eisenhower Elementary Schools
In what game during my 7th Grade basketball season did I score my first bucket?
The final game of the season
What teacher came from my middle school in Sparta to my high school in Bettendorf?
Mr. Larsen (Bad Gym Teacher)
Of the following, who is my best champion in League of Legends: Nautilus, Karma, Bard, or Blitzcrank?
What was the first gaming console I bought on my own?
In which grade did I dress up as Wario for Halloween?
4th Grade
I bowled my highest game ever during middle school. What was that score?
Double: How many strikes in a row did I throw in that game?
10 Strikes in a Row
My Freshman History teacher personally sought me out during my senior year to join his Honors European History class. What was his name?
Mr. Meyers
What is the name of my favorite Modern deck in Magic: the Gathering?
When I was in 5th Grade I began writing my own series of stories about a hero I made up. Who is that hero?
What year in elementary school did I obtain my glasses?
5th Grade
Who gave me the nickname Dash during middle school?
Holly Larsen
What class did I pass in high school with a 59.5% during my Junior year?
Honors Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry
What is the first ever character class in World of Warcraft played by Dalton?
Double: What was the first character race?
Race: Draenei