What color does the moon is gonna be during a lunar eclipse? How long does it last?
It glows all red, and lasts for hours.
What is getting blocked and why?
The Sun is getting blocked because of the moon.
All of the moon phase cycle's are shorter than a month.
Not all, but most.
What is a high tide?
The highest measurement of the tide during the
Lunar Eclipses happen once in...
...2.5 years.
During what phase of the moon does this happen?
During the new moon phase.
Full moon happens when it is between the Sun and Earth?
No. It happens to New Moon.
What is a low tide?
The lowest measurement of the tide during the day.
Why moon becomes all red during Lunar Eclipse?
The only light reflected from the lunar surface has been refracted by Earth's atmosphere.
What do you see when Solar Eclipse happens?
Sun's corona.
How does the moon has phases.
Because of the light shining from the Sun is
What is a spring tide?
When high tides are really high, and low tides are really low.
Why does Lunar Eclipse happen?
A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon moves into the Earth's shadow. Earth completely blocks Sun from the Earth.
...is the inner, cone-shaped part of the shadow. Or it is the part in which all of the light has been blocked.
On which side would the Waxing moon be lit on.
Right side.
What is a neap tide?
When high tides become somewhat lower than usual, and low tides become higher than usual. Or in other words they don't change that much.
Total Lunar eclipses happen when moon is at Penumbra's shadow?
No. Total Lunar eclipse happen at Earths shadow called Umbra.
Why don't Solar eclipses happen every month?
Because the moon's shadow is cast above earth or below at different times in its orbit of Earth.
What are all the names of the moon phases.
New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full moon, Waning Gibbous, Third Quarter, and Waning Crescent.
What effects, and makes tides?
How and why we have low and high tides?
Because of moons/Sun's(somewhat) gravity, and our rotation. Plus moons rotation.